More owlets

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Amity: Why would you give a knife to Luz!?

Eda: She felt unsafe. (In the background Owlet!Luz is staring wide pupil-ed at the shiny knife) And she wanted something shiny.

Amity: Now i feel unsafe!

Eda: ...would you like a knife? *Takes another knife out of her hair*
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
Some people would describe the owl beast as
"A monster."

"A fluffy abomination terror."

"Terrifying and frightening."

"Heartless and dangerous."

"Bloody mad and thirsty"


Luz: "Alright, I tried using logic and I tried to reason with you guys, but now I'll spell it right out. Either you three leave Willow and Gus alone of your own accord or I use my curse to forcibly chase you off, followed by all of your missing limbs shortly thereafter, got it?"

Boscha: "Oh please, you wouldn't hurt a fly."

Luz, feathers sprouting out of her arms: "You're right. Because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. You, however, I would maim."


The next day.

Boscha's mom: Bird beasts?

Bump: You heard me, bird beasts. The last time SOMEONE'S child, -*looks pointedly at Boscha's mom*- , bullied the student and their friends, the school ended up with 30 traumatized, 13 in the healing wards, 17 with soiled uniforms, multiple classrooms AND hallways full of lockers, all COMPLETELY RUINED, by said bird beasts wanting to avenge them.

The Parents: ......*Stares at each other*

Bump: You lot better get your children to settle down, or I will resort to drastic measures. *Takes out papers with repair costs and medical fees, along with shiny objects*


But amity on the other hand—

"Luz!" Amity shouted at her best friend as Luz fully transformed and let out a small shriek. But they didn't need to be too worried. Luz didn't attack them like the last few times. She huffed , puffed out her brown feathers and stared at them for a little while before she slowly walked forward and sniffed them and then she groomed Amity's hair a bit and gave a happy chirp as she nuzzled her and then King both.

A deeper and louder growl from upstairs though as a larger orange and silver pregnant owl beast came down the stairs looking ready to kill as it surveyed the room.

It's gaze paused on the green haired witch and King for a second before looking at the much smaller brown feathered owlet beast and then it gave a small huff.

Walking forward Owl Eda preened and groomed the top of owlet Luz's head before doing the same to King and then sniffed Amity before nudging her affectionately.

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