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You eyed the new part timer who has no idea that someone is watching his movements. He was all smiles as he serve the orders of the customers who loves his energy.

Akkun mentioned a new employee who's in charge of the night shift. He had a hunch that he might be the owner of the jacket.

You pretended to read your books but you were really looking at him. To be honest he looks like a good person, his smile is also good- okay, you still have a problem. You need to give him his jacket back but you don't know how to approach him.

You let out a sigh out of frustration. You aren't a social person so talking to strangers is hard for you.

You took a glance at the bag beside you, the jacket is neatly folded and you already cleaned it so it wouldn't be embarrassing to return it.

You also kept looking at him to look for a chance to ask for a minute but he was too busy serving drinks.

Tapping on the table with your pen, you thought of countless ways to talk to the male without being awkward but you just couldn't do it.

"Why is this so hard?" You whined.

"I can see you struggling from afar. Are you working on an assignment?" A gentle voice asked.

You looked at the owner of the voice and saw the male you were eyeing since you arrived, he still has this friendly smile on his face as he placed a slice of cake in front of you.

Feeling a bit surprised you tried to act normal, clearing your throat at the process.

"I didn't order yet." You said, you almost stuttered but luckily your tongue is on your side.

He chuckled. "Don't worry, it's on me."

It's on him? Why is he giving you a free dessert? Don't tell me he thinks I don't have money to buy one so he insisted?!

"I'll pay-"

"Don't bother, it's really fine. Anyway, I noticed you keep looking at me earlier or was it just my imagination? I don't want to assume. Is there anything I could do for you?" He said with a confused look, probably wondering what business you have with him.

You can feel the heat spreading across your body due to embarrassment. Your eyes widened as you thought of an excuse.

'This is so embarrassing! Why did he have to notice me?'

"Uh yes! About last night-" You immediately grabbed the bag and handed it to him. "I believe this jacket is yours. Thank you for letting me use it."

He smiled as he took the bag. "Yes, it's mine. You didn't really have to return this. I'm sorry for the trouble."

He's sorry? He shouldn't be!

"N-No, bringing that back to you was nothing. Besides, I always go here so it wasn't a bother at all."

He nodded. "That's good to hear. It's actually my second day now. I saw you last night sleeping and you looked cold, I didn't want to let you freeze to death. By the way, I'm Mitsuya Takashi."

He offered his hand. You took it and shook hands with him.

"(L/N) (Y/N)."

"(L/N) (Y/N)." He repeated. His voice was gentle as he remembered your name. "What a nice name, I won't be able to forget it."

You felt your cheeks turn red at the sudden comment. Is he flirting or just being nice?

"Thank you, I won't be forgetting yours."

"Goodluck on your study, (L/N)."

You're gonna ace this exam for sure.

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