04 : HELP

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You let out a sigh as Akkun finally gave up on helping you with this project you have.

You can see the exhaustion in his face, he also kept on cracking his neck and massaging his shoulder earlier. When you look away that's when he yawns to express his exhaustion just so you wouldn't see but you know, you felt guilty for taking his time.

Nodding, you smiled at him. "Thank you for the time. I know you're tired and yet here you are helping me."

Akkun stared at you for a moment. He then ruffled your hair roughly causing it to mess. "You know fully that I wasn't much of a help. You should've asked Takuya." He scoffed.

Well, Takuya was off early today. He must have something to do so you didn't bother.

"It's okay, you should go home now."

He stared at you, making sure you're alright. "You sure?"


He left after making sure everything is okay. He must be tired, his shift is done after all.

You stared at the task at hand and tried to think of how to do it but you don't have any ideas in your mind as of now.

You sighed. Gosh, why is school so hard?

"You're having trouble with school again." Someone said.

You looked up and Takashi chuckled. He placed a cup of coffee in front of you and a slice of cake.

"Maybe some sweet can help you with that." He added.

Do I look that stressed? Did he buy these again?

"Uh, you didn't have to bother." You whispered, feeling ashamed.

He shook his head. "Akkun bought the coffee to lessen your worries. The cake is from me."

You smiled. Even though Akkun is always sassy he's very thoughtful.

"Thank you. I guess I owe you again."

"Don't think much of it! I'm not expecting anything in return." He peeked at your project. "Can I help you? Akkun mentioned that it's really hard."

You shook your head. Gosh, why did Akkun have to mention it to him?

"No!" You felt shy because of your sudden outburst, Takashi looked at you, waiting for an answer. "Uh— I can somehow make this work, speaking of work, don't you have work to do?" You said accompanied with a nervous chuckle.

Takashi looked around the shop. "There isn't really many people at this hour and the others can handle it. Besides, I'm also curious with your project so allow me to help you."

You somehow can't resist especially with the smile he has on his face. He looks so genuine and sweet with that expression on his face so it would be a shame if you were to reject his offer.

You nodded and he happily sat down on the chair across you. After minutes of brainstorming you slowly got the idea of how to do it. You even got to learn some interesting stuffs from him.

"Wow, this is really hard. Geez, why do they give such hard tasks?" Takashi whined and you chuckled.

"Thanks to you, I finally understand it." He smiled because of that.

"I'm glad I could be of help."

"Your smile is enough to help me." You mumbled but he somehow heard it.



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