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Takashi sighed as he watched you read a book like you always do. Everytime he goes home he always walk pass this cafe and that's when he saw you.

He doesn't know what your name is so he pertained to you as bookworm. You never failed him, everytime he goes home he always see you at your usual spot near the window, reading another book.

He always wondered if you ever get bored reading, but hey, who is he to ask that when he never even got bored seeing you everyday?

That went on for weeks, he didn't know what's in you but you got his interest.

"What?! You're gonna work here?" Akkun yelled in surprise because of what his friend said.

Takashi scoffed. "Yeah, is there a problem?"

Akkun shook his head. "There isn't but why suddenly? Your parents have stable work right? So what's this all about?"

Takashi didn't answer but his eyes drifted to you, he smiled as he watch your confused expression because of what you're reading.

"Don't tell me—" Akkun stopped on his words.

Takashi grinned. "Then I won't."

"You're in big trouble."

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