C H A P T E R 8

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The group looked between each other, as if telepathically sending messages that Prince didn't understand. This made him frown. "Fuck y'all lookin' at?"

Dino shook his head from side to side. "I told you man. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Now she want to leave."

"Exactly." Smoke said. "There's only so much a woman can take. I don't even know why you can't just tell her."

"Wait hol on." Aaron said. He then looked at Prince. "You still haven't told Mira? Prince you a married man."

"No I haven't." Prince sighed. It was one thing to admit to something but to be chastised by your partners, was another. "But I know that."

"Now she think you out here creepin' huh?"

"Man relax wit all that. You just don't know what we got."

"Don't matter. She got feelings P. You married her for a reason right?"


"And what was that reason?"

Prince was hesitant, never discussed the fundamentals of him and Mira to anyone. However, there was no time like the present. "To complete a deal."

"Exactly- wait what?"

Prince looked over at Aaron. "That was how I got the Italian connection."

There was a brief silence. "So you sayin' I could've been had Miracle?" Layz said, making everyone look at him weird.

"Nigga...never mind." Smoke rolled his eyes and turned to Prince. "So y'all got married to clinch the deal?"

He nodded, downing another shot. "Yeah."

"So the wedding was fake?" Dino asked.

"Yes and no. Yes as far as feelings go but no because she actually put that shit together."

"Even the tears at the ceremony? She faked that whole day?" Layz asked.

"She said they were real tears, but it was because everythin' looked so nice and put together. Listen y'all, we got married because that was the only way to appeal to Tony Bianchi. At the time, we were just partners and trying to build this empire. I had the game plan, and she was the implementer. Miracle met up wit his wife and got close to her. Then his wife asked her when we were getting married. For some reason, Miracle said that the only way to clench the deal was getting' married and invite them. I had no problem wit it because I didn't feel anythin' negative 'bout her and she told me that it was just business. So, we got married and invited them to the wedding. At the reception, Tony pulled me to the side and said 'You got a good woman. My wife talks about her all the time. And you know what they say? Behind a good man is a great woman. I'll call you in a week.' A week later, I'm close wit the Head of the Italian mob. All thanks to her. We just stayed married and eventually got use to each other."

"So y'all just stayed together?" Layz asked. "Like no sex happenin'?"

"Oh I'm still slangin' her don't get it twisted," Prince clarified which made some of them chuckle. "We just didn't get married on the intentions of love, but business. We made an agreement that nothing would change. I can do what I like, and she could too. As long as we kept the trust between us healthy."

"Now you regrettin' that shit?" Smoke asked.

"Mainly because I feel like it lowkey made her uncomfortable which wasn't my intentions at all."

"Nah that's not it. Now that she want to leave, you realizing how you feel about her." Dino chuckled. "Face it Prince, you love that girl."

"I know. I care for her-"

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