C H A P T E R 23

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10:00 a.m. PST

Prince gathered his things and made his way downstairs where the rest of the crew was at. Full of vigor of his newfound discovery, he practically skipped down the steps. After much contemplation last night, working out the kinks in the project, he realized that he did love Mira. As he got off the steps, he saw Aaron and Mosey in the corner talking while the others were sitting on the couch. Not wanting to waste any time to see his wife, he made his way over. "Where James at?"

"He outside." Layz answered.

He nodded and to made his way out the room. When he came to the front of the house, he saw James on the phone. He made eye contact with Prince and nodded towards him, which Prince reciprocated. "Lemme call you back...alright bye. Prince whats up?"

"Did the package get there safe?"

He nodded. "I was just on the phone wit them. By the time you get to the airport, it'll be there. You'll see a guy called Vlad. He'll get you guys a car and security."

Prince dapped him up. "Thank you so much."

James smiled. "Just returning the favor Mr. Wilson. By the way, how is the girl from the hospital? Isn't she your wife now?"

He nodded. "The day we met you, we was on our honeymoon."

James eyes widened. "Oh shit really? Damn that must've been terrible."

"Nah you good." Prince chuckled. "She said that was the most excitin' trip she ever took."

"She's a real one for that." James said as cars pulled up. "Oh your rides are here. See you next time Mr. Wilson. Tell your wife I said hi and thank you...for everything."

"Will do. Thanks for everything James." Prince said going back into the house. He made his way back to the living room. "We ready. Lets roll out."

Everyone got their things together and made their way outside. "Hol on Prince. Lemme talk to you." Mosey said.

Prince stopped in his tracks and as did Aaron. He nodded at Aaron. "Give me a sec."

Aaron nodded and Prince made my way over to Mosey. "Whats up?"

"I just want you to know I don't agree wit whatchu doin' at all Prince. However, I know you smart enough to get yourself out of a pickle if necessary."

"Don't worry Mosey. It'll be like surgery. Nice and precise." Prince shrugged.

He raised an eyebrow and sighed deeply. "Just be careful youngin'. You may not like that girl, but she likes you a lot."

Prince nodded and walked away before he stopped. He turned back to him, a small smirk on his face. "You wrong tho."

"About what? Her?" He chuckled. "You keep sayin' you don't like her so what?"

"That's cuz I love her Mosey. I love Mira."



3:00 p.m. EST

After that trip, the girls decided to stay with Mira and try to cheer her up. Luckily for them, it worked. Mira was all smiles and even laughing along with some of the jokes. They were currently sitting in the food court, just relishing in the good feeling. As they talked more, Kenlee began asking questions about relationships. Olivia answered first "Girl sometimes you gotta put them in they place befo they walk all ova you."

"Is that what you did wit your boyfriend?"

Olivia nodded, taking a sip of her Arizona. "Hell yeah. All I had to do was tell this nigga straight up 'Look! I am not like these other women. Either you want me in your space or not. Whichever you choose is fine wit me cuz this train keeps movin'."

"Did it work?" Kenlee asked.

"Yup. Cuz we broke up for a while and he spent a month tryin' to get me back. Funniest month ever."

"Well what if y'all break up and he don't come back?"

"Then you keep it pushing sis." Andrea said. "Understand that if a man truly wants you 'round, he'll make an effort to keep you 'round."

"Really?" Kenlee looked at Mira.

She nodded. "People only want people they like around them. Same thing wit them. If you matter to him, he'll make time for you and attempt to gain yo attention. Now, it's only when you not showin' interest will some niggas give up and say 'fuck it'. Others will keep pesterin' and then you just gotta put that nigga in his place."

She nodded. "I'm only askin' cuz my Mom mentioned me goin on a date wit some guy from a neighboring family."

"Oh sis then you'll be good." Torie sipped her drink. "In that environment, he tryna impress you. All you gotta do is mirror his energy. ONLY if you want to tho. Don't be fakin it cuz then it won't sit witcho spirit well."

Kenlee nodded, smiling. "I'm really glad I stayed the night."

"Aye sis." Mira said. "You know where I stay at. So anytime you need advice, I got you."

She nodded. "Thanks Mira. I see why my Mom talks highly of you."

She chuckled. "Agnes and I use to chat a lot. You was still in school then too."

"Oh word?" Olivia smiled. "Aww that's kinda cute. So you really been workin' for the crew this long huh?"

Mira nodded. "Ever since Prince started it."

The girls awed. "So you really been together for the longest?" Andrea asked.

"More like we been around each other for a long time. We met when I was 16 and since then, it's just been the two of us."

"Was it like a love at first sight thing?" Kenlee asked.

"Oh hell no." She said making everyone laugh and her as well. "When I first met him, it was like 'Ooh he a lil cute. Lemme holla' but not some 'He's the man of my dreams' type shit. Then, we actually had a conversation and I thought he was so...intriguing. Like we was talkin' bout regular shit but the way he said things held my attention and kept me interested. It took a while for me to catch feelings for him forreal."

"So when did you catch feelings?" Kenlee asked.

Everyone had their attention on Mira. She thought to herself for a while, a smile appearing when a certain memory came up. "Was I 18? 19? Anyway, I was young, and he had left for a lil while, so I was missin' him lowkey. I wasn't sweatin' it tho cuz he always did this and at the time we was still friends. So on the day he came back, he told me to get dress cuz we were going to a party. So I do and we go there. As we enter, we head over to his lil crew, and they were talkin'. One of the members asked him who I was and he said, 'Oh this my girl Mira'. In my head, I was like 'Yo girl? Nigga when?'" They all laughed but she continued. "Either way, we had moved the group to outside and there was a pool. The girls decided to get in the water. I just took my shoes off and put my feet in while they were strippin'. Apparently, the guys thought it was a good time to turn their attention to us. The same guy from earlier who asked what I was to Prince was like 'why you aint get in?' and I told him 'cuz I didn't want to'. Tell me why this nigga goin' push me in against my will? He lucky I could swim, dumbass. Anyway, when I resurfaced, Prince and him was fighting. When they pulled them apart, Prince was screamin' 'If you ever fuckin' put yo hands on my girl again, I will fuck you up my nigga!' Y'all I ain't neva seen him like this. I was so shocked at his reaction, I forgot I was in water. He then pulled himself away and went towards me and helped me out the water. When we made it back to my house, I asked him if he was ok. He said, 'Don't worry about me' and I got mad like 'Why the hell not? You're the one thats hurt.' He had a cut under his eye and was acting like it was no big deal. I was so mad that tears were coming down. He sighed, wiped my tears and said 'Mira. I am so sorry for puttin' you in that situation. I will make it my mission to protect you better but you gotta let me ok? You need to let me handle things the best way I can and worryin' bout me isn't it. Especially when its bout you. Let me do all the worryin', cryin', stressin', and the fightin' fah the both of us from now on. I don't ever want to see you cry again. Aight?' The way he was lookin' at me, I knew meant that shit. That's when I knew that I really valued his company and I had found someone who valued mine."

They all awed, eventually laughing. "Y'all are too cute." Olivia giggled.

Mira was going to respond but someone else jumped in. "Hello ladies."

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