Rito Village

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Rito Village was incredibly quiet in the mornings.

The wind whistled through the holes in the wooden slats of the landing, accompanied by the soft sound of windchimes. Zelda sighed, the cold air above Lake Totori flooding her lungs. The moon still glowed bright in the night sky, the early fingers of dawn beginning to peek through the clouds.

Zelda was deep in thought. Divine Beast Vah Medoh was having trouble with its cannons; how could she fix them? Maybe swapping the Giant Ancient Cores in each gun station could solve it. Or changing the Ancient Shafts could strengthen the connections. Parts were laid in front of her, and her nimble fingers assembled them into something beautiful, only to be torn down with a shake of a head.

The wind picked up, blowing Zelda's golden tresses wildly around her face. She covered her face, until a light thump on the deck in front of her alerted her to someone else's presence. She uncovered her face to find Link, her chosen knight, and Revali, the Rito Champion in deep conversation.

Link clad in his signature Champion's tunic, was sorting his quiver, going through each arrow and putting it in the right place. His Master Sword was noticeably present, the green ribbon wrapped handle sticking up behind his right shoulder. Revali was slinging his Great Eagle Bow over his shoulder, unfastening the ribbons around his ankles.

Revali was musing about adding a layer of defense to the village's surrounding peaks, since there had been increased Lynel and Lizalfos activity in the Hebra region. Link nodded along, pretending to pay attention to the prattle of the Riot Champion. He noticed her sitting there, and offered a small wave and a half smile. Revali still hadn't noticed her, so she gave him a smile and wave in return.

Revali's rant had come to an end, and he was staring at the princess. She was still in her prayer dress, wrapped in a multitude of blankets and throws. He dragged a wing down his face, sighing loudly. Link echoed her internal self, rolling his eyes and cocking a hip in mock boredom. She snickered, and Revali turned to see her knight in his full glory, imitating the Rito's egoistic attitude and exuding confidence.

"What is wrong with you people? Stupid Hylians.." he muttered stalking away, clutching his chest like Zelda had broken his ego. Both the princess and knight watched him go, leaping into the sky and soaring up towards the top of the village,, He left an updraft, and Link hurriedly pulled Zelda's hand pointing at the updraft, hoping she would understand his point.

Zelda's face took on a pinkish hue, hoping the rising dawn would hide it. Link pulled her over, gently pulling her palms around his waist, making sure she was holding on tight. He then walked over to the updraft, jumping slightly and deploying his paraglider.

In short, it was the most traumatic excitement she had ever experienced.

They soared upward, Zelda screaming as the ground beneath her feet left her, and Link laughing at Zelda's fear. They soared to a stop on the beak of the giant limestone bird head. Zelda unwrapped her arms from Link's waist and sat down shakliny, feet dangling over the edge. Link pulled her up again, leading her over to the end of the beak, and she gasped.

Hyrule was bathed in rosy light, illuminating the Sheikah towers spread out sporadically. Ruta and Rudania were close enough that Zelda could see the individual blue lights separating the leg segments, with Naboris in the distance, barely distinguishable from the tan cliffs of the Gerudo Highlands. The rolling green plains were spread out below them, some sections speckled with wildflowers, not unlike the freckles peppering Link's cheekbones.

Wait, how did she know that?

It was only them she noticed how close they were standing. Link's shoulder, hip, and knee were pressed against her, and an arm was wrapped loosely around her shoulders, probably to prevent her clumsy self from plummeting off. His warmth seeped through the skin contact, warming Zelda up from the tips of her toes. Her cheeks blushed an even rosier shade, and this time Link noticed. He pulled away, turning his face towards the rising sun, but not before Zelda saw the blush on his face. His arm reached up to scratch the back of his neck, an embarrassed look overtaking his expression. Zelda thought it was cute.

She smiled, giggling at his embarrassment. He motioned with his hands, hoping she would make some sense of the rushed gestures. Zelda didn't, of course, but it was amusing.

"Shall we get down, Link?" she asked, pointing toward the ever rising sun. "I have to give a speech today, and I haven't even rehearsed!"

Link shrugged, motioning a gliding movement with his hands, then pointed off the edge.

"You want to glide off?" Zelda clarified, hoping that's not what he meant.

Of course it was.

So Zelda found herself, once again, curled around Link, praying to Hylia that she wouldn't lose her grip on his shoulders. She was curled up on him like you would carry a baby, legs curled sound Link's back and arms thrown over his broad shoulders. ZHe shifted, and Zelda felt the muscles in his back tense. He opened his paraglider, then taking a few steps back, he ran and leaped off.

Oh, this feeling was incredible.

The wind was cool on Zelda's warm skin, and the view slowly went past as they descended, the rolling plains outside of Castle Town giving way to the encirclement of Hebra, tall peaks stiff with snow surrounding them. Rito Village started to come into view, a few residents already awake and moving about.

Link landed gently on Revali's Landing, cruising to a stop. He disentangled himself from Zelda's grasp, setting her down gently on the wooden slats.

"You guys are so late! Hylia, we were so worried, Princess! Well not for you, Link, but still!" Revali squawked, pacing the length of the landing, feathers falling from his wings.

"Don't ruffle your feathers over us, Revali." Zelda retorted, making use of Revali's hatred of bird puns. " We were fine. Link just took me up there and we enjoyed the view." she said, pointing once again at the huge bird head Rito Village was built around.

"Yeah.. definitely enjoying the view." he said, cocking an eyebrow and pulling a smirk. Link instantly flushed bright red, covering his face and turning away. Zelda was confused for a moment, until she realized the implication of his words.

"REVALI, I SWEAR TO HYLIA-" she called after the cackling Rito Champion, both princess and loyal knight tomato red with embarrassment.

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