Towards the Sun

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Gerudo Town was a bustling place no matter what time it was.

Zelda and Link had just made it in, the gates closing right after their arrival for nighttime hours. Link had promised to get here by early afternoon, but, being the incredibly compassionate person he is, had stayed behind to fight some Moblins for a trader. Zelda had absolutely no clue where the town was, so she had had to wait for her knight to lead the way.

Link had donned his 'Hylian Vai' outfit, as he liked to call it, and it was very..... revealing.

The abs he had gotten from training with the knights at the castle were on full display, and the small cap he wore came with a thin cloth mask to conceal the stubble growing on his chin. Zelda was worried, however, since a good gust of wind would reveal Link's masculinity.

"Sav'sabba! How are you, Link?" a Gerudo woman yelled across the square, hands cupped around her mouth.

"Sav'sabba! I've been good, Rhondson! How has your marriage been?" Link called back, his voice pitched up several octaves to pull off his girly disguise. "Have you met Zelda?" he asked, placing a hand on Zelda's back, walking across the square while pushing her along.

Zelda was also dressed in the Gerudo Vai outfit, just without the mask, since she was an actual girl. Her feet slid across the sandy cobblestones of the town's center square, fighting Link's efforts to introduce them.

"We have to meet Urbosa and Riju!" she hissed in his ear, turning on her heel and placing a hand on his arm. "I can meet your friend later. For now, let's do what we came for." she said, dragging him by the arm towards the stairs leading into the throne room.

"Sorry Rhondson! I'll come back later and we can meet somewhere!" he called, stumbling forward to keep up with Zelda. "I'll see you!" he finished, before turning back to Zelda.

"You have way too many friends, Link." Zelda said, dragging her free hand through her hair, ruffling the delicate hairstyle Link had done for her. They continued through the nearly empty square, people trickling out to retire in their quarters.

"Someone jealous?" Link flashed a cocky smirk, disentangling his arm briefly from Zelda's to mimic Revali's pose, hand on his hip and pretending to examine his nails. "I do have other friends, Princess." he snickered at Zelda's bored expression, now pulling her by the hand into the throne room.

"Greetings, Lady Urbosa-" Zelda began, bowing at the knees. She looked over to make sure Link was doing the same, only to find he wasn't there. She looked up, eyes searching the room for the disguised knight, only to find him embracing Riju and spinning her around.

"LINK! Respect the heir!" Zelda scolded him, pulling him off Riju by the armpits, her mumbling apologies and him complaints in her ear.

"My my, little bird. When did you get so feisty?" a smooth voice said, and Zelda turned towards it with a smile.

Urbosa walked down the stairs, dressed in her normal finery, her shield and scimitar strapped at her waist. She opened her arms, and Zelda ran over to embrace the Gerudo spirit.

"She's such a hypocrite." she heard Link whisper, and when she turned around to glare at him, he winked.

"It's been a while, little bird." Urbosa said, smoothing her skirt and sitting on the stairs, patting the space next to her, asking Zelda to sit. She did, and the smile wiped itself off of the older woman's face.

"There have been more Molduga attacks this month." Urbosa sighed, "Couple that with the ever looming threat of the Yiga, we have a real situation on our hands." Urbosa stood now, walking over to a table in the corner of the room. Small figures were placed sporadically over various regions of the board, reflecting a fairly accurate representation of the desert landscape.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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