Lover of the Dragon (Colleen Wing, aka Lady Samurai)

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She gulped, fear running through her entire body as she just stared at the monster in front of her. Her body stayed unresponsive, her fingers clenching the hilt of her katana as she took a step back. She hoped, really hoped that they would be able to get out of this situation. Because she didn't see a way out.

"Doctor Connors..." She glanced at her two partners, though she could only see the expression of one. Mercedes, Misty to her friends, had her eyes widen in shock and slight fear. She understood perfectly, since the two of them mostly dealt with lower classified villains, they never went up against more deadlier villains. It was not a matter that they couldn't do so, because she would certainly say that they could. But because they had other things to do than dealing with more difficult villains. And then, there was the original Spider-Man, the only saving grace that she and Misty had at the moment. "What have they done to you?"

And she didn't know what to say to the question asked by the arachnid. She and Misty may have been affiliated with the Beyond Company, but it didn't mean that they knew everything that they were doing behind the scenes. All they knew was that when they were called, that they should help the second Spider-Man. This, facing an enraged Lizard, was definitely not of their contract when they became affiliated with Beyond.

"We are definitely not going to like this..." She muttered, reacting quickly as the group of three had to evade a claw from the berserk Lizard. She jumped high, her sword prepared to hack through the arm of the villain in front of her. But a tail to the side of her torso sent her flying.

"I got you!" Spider-Man, better known as Peter Parker out of his costume, made way to capture Colleen Wing before she collided with something far worse. He grabbed her mid air, his hands snared over her waist before his back impacted the wall behind. He grunted in slight pain, not stopping the force that was transmitted through one half of the Daughters of the Dragon was proof enough that he could still feel the pain of his recent injuries. Injuries that he thought were already healed, but who was he to judge the slashes made by the colony of little furry monsters. "My kidney..."

"Sorry, Spidey" Colleen rubbed her torso slightly, still feeling some pain from the tail lash that she had received earlier. She stood up, rushing head first into the fight before the Lizard could slash at Misty's back. She grunted slightly, her sword blocking the claws of the villain. "Are you alright, Misty?"

"Yes. Only my pride is hurt" The dark skinned woman said, making Colleen chuckle slightly. She moved the scaly hand away, jumping back alongside Misty to avoid the sharp claws heading their way. But she knew that the jump she made was not enough. She was even already preparing her sword to block the claws, when she saw some webs detaining the arm.

"Sorry Doc, but I need you to stay on your corner a little while" Spider-Man grunted, his muscles ached in slight pain as he pulled Curt Connkrs back inside the cage he had been sealed by beyond. He wanted to help the doctor, a man who had redeemed himself and was trying to spend the rest of his time with his family. "At least until I find you the cure again"

She looked intensely at Spider-Man, admiring the hero's rippling muscles. She blinked twice, before her cheeks gained a slight blush to them. She even looked sideways, ignoring the fact that Misty had seen her reaction. She couldn't really deny that Spider-Man's muscularity was very distracting. And she could even name a few heroines that would admire the hero's body without any shame in the world.

"Come on Connor, find the spider in the dark and secure cell" Peter baited, making the Lizard follow his voice. Peter was thankful that Connors was in a sort of berserk stage thanks to Beyond, because it meant that he was not relying on any of his other senses. Peter actually managed to get outside of the cell, activating the doors to the cell and trapping the transformed man back in his cell.

"Well... That was easy" Misty's comment, while not untrue, was far from being even half of it, and Colleen could testify that. She could see even more destruction all around them, with debris falling from the roof to the warehouse they were in. The other experiments, either trapped or killed by the now trapped Lizard. And their clothes are almost in shreds. This, while a slight shorter fight than expected, was definitely not easy.

"I think we definitely deserve a vacation..." Spider-Man muttered, his voice echoing through the destroyed warehouse as he fell on his back. He was caught by both sole members of the Daughters of the Dragon, his arms over their necks. He snorted silently, only earning the chuckles out of the two women at each of his sides. "Hell, I'll buy the drinks if we go"

"You got yourself a deal, Spidey" Misty said, winking at her. It made her get more flustered at the fact that she had been unable to have Misty not know of her attraction to the arachnid hero. But, she wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe it was because if Misty didn't know, she would be hesitant to even agree to the vacation offer. Not because she didn't want to go, but because she didn't want to be alone with the hero in question. It made her feel embarrassed. "It sure to be a fun experience, right Colleen?"

"O-Of course" Spider-Man raised an eyebrow at the slight stutter, but ignored it in the end. If Colleen wanted to tell him something, she definitely would have done it by now. She was one half of the Daughters of the Dragon, a fearless samurai who is able to hack and slash every enemy in front of her. But when he felt a kiss on his cheek, it made him almost stumble with both women in tow. "It is sure to be... Amazing"

Spider-Man gulped, while Misty chuckled. And it made Colleen feel more at ease. Just by expressing her attraction to the man had made her feel more calmer than ever. Maybe the vacation wouldn't be so bad after all. It was definitely going to be quite the experience. And maybe she will be able to get to meet the man behind the mask and also feel attracted to him. She could only hope that everything goes well. Because it was something that she definitely wanted to see through

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