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After Niklaus had come to abandon the four in the bayou

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After Niklaus had come to abandon the four in the bayou. Elijah left having a bite mark and growing more sick by the second--Hayley taking care of him.-- Whilst Beth and Bella sat outside together speaking of what one had come to learn. The Volturi. The star birthmark. Hayley baby was able to create hybrids which only meant Beth babies could as well. All this information hits Bella like a brick wall.

Isabella Swan was part of the Volturi, related to them even. Her blood had some part of them in her. Her hand clamps down on the left side of her neck covering her star birthmark that looks like a scar. Only for their conversation to end when hearing the original cough and gag, spitting up the water he just drank. Hayley right in front of him with a worried look. Shooting it towards Beth not sure what to do. Beth stood up and went into the small abandoned house and helped tend to the sick original. "Please forgive me," Elijah apologizes as he lays back.

Hayley slips off her jacket, "It's okay, just remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy."

Elijah groans out, "Remind me to remind you to get in line."

Hayley sits on the edge of his bed as Beth leans on the table, Bella eyes staring outside seeing someone with blonde hair creep closer to them. Unfazed she watches as the woman places down three books. When the woman looks up at Bella with a wide bug eyed expression. Bella's response was to wave with her fingers at her. "Hi there,"

The two sisters looked outside and opened the door wanting to grab a hold of her but it was too late, she had gotten off the porch and ran away deeper into the woods. The two older Swan sisters looked over at the youngest one with a look. "Seriously?" Hayley spoke up. "You couldn't even silently point it out."

"She was placing books," Bella defends herself. "Books I want to see if their worth reading."

Beth grabs a hold of them. "It's a bible." Hayley snatches that one inspecting it further. "Two actually. Just one in Italian. And the last one is a... grimoire." Beth frowns when saying the last part of her sentence. Maybe these weren't placed at random. Maybe these were placed here for a reason. The eldest places the Italian bible into Bella's hand knowing she was able to translate anything from there. --Bella had come to be obsessed with the language and stole learning books for the language and taught herself along with many others.--

The three girls all returned into the cramped place sitting down together reading over what they had come to possess. The humming lullaby returned to the air. Time passing as Elijah grew sicker and the two tended to them. After thirty minutes the three Swan sisters all sat in silence all learning knew information. All piecing information together with stringing theories.

Beth was first to speak, "Do we all collectively have a family tree somewhere in the books we've read." Two 'yes's' were heard. "Hayley you want to say what you found."

Orphic | K.M ᵀʷⁱˡⁱᵍʰᵗ & ᵀʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now