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Never ending days seemed to become longer and longer

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Never ending days seemed to become longer and longer. How was that even possible? But then again those days were always filled with their own entertainment just with the three of them. Sophie occasionally came and went dropping off food for the three of them but never anything else. Just a small chat. Sometimes she brought another witch along that was intruiged with the situation that was unfolding before them all but never did they stay too long nor did the three girls trust them.

Bella hummed a song. A lullabye. Never did Hayley or Beth ever hum that kind of tune to her not when they were together. When the youngest Swan came to the Marshall house, the first time Beth and Hayley fully met her she was nothing but a year old almost two. Bella assumed that it was just something her biological mother sang to her when she was still in her hold. She continued to hum, staring at the stone ceiling above her, laying flat on her back. The cold air brushing against her as she continued to lay frozen and statue like her older sister, Beth, shivered, holding her jacket tighter. As for Hayley she never really was bothered by the cold then again she was a werewolf and they have a tendency of always living in colder areas then the area they were currently in. Bella's chocolate brown eyes flickered from each line of the stone, following it until she reached the very end of it.

"How are you not cold?" Beth asks her baby sister.

Bella shrugged her shoulders, interrupting her own lullabye, "Not sure." Her head turned to her right side, her eyes landing on the witch. "I guess I've just adapted to it," She says, not to sure of herself.

The witch simply shakes her head. "Now that is something I wish to have."

"Oh trust me, you do," Hayley nods her head in agreement. She loved the cold air, never needing to always slip on a jacket twenty--four seven, or try finding coverage to warm up.

Though it wasn't long until their little conversation was interrupted by none other than Sophie Deveruax accompanied by someone else. Yet again a witch, most likely. His brown hair slicked back allowing his face to be shown. His hazel brown eyes flicker from Beth to Bella to Hayley then repeat. Confusion and doubt filled him. "I'll leave you four alone," Sophie speaks, leaving the group alone.

Bella crossed her arms, staring at the original before her. She had heard the stories that came from the originals. Everything terrible and deceiving. Everything that came to be. Innocents slaughtered. Lives taken. Blood spilled. Death always left to linger around them. Sending fears to those around and to those that betray. Revenge on the traitors. Was it strange for Bella to not be feared by them? She was wary of them. The young brunette knew she would never trust any of them but she wasn't scared like a small child would be when seeing someone's claw swiping through the furniture. But knowing what they possess she wasn't that scared of them. More chilled and unfazed with everything supernatural relation.

"Hayley?" He takes a step closer to her, his eyes scanning her every movement. "Are you hurt?"

The Swan werewolf shakes her head, answering, "No, I'm not." She doesn't dare to take a step forward, staying right beside her sister side.

Orphic | K.M ᵀʷⁱˡⁱᵍʰᵗ & ᵀʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now