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It wasn't quite in the Mikealson household

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It wasn't quite in the Mikealson household. The Swan sisters certainly brought the ruckus into their home. Beth always found in the kitchen learning more spells or writing in her grimore as to pass the time, Bella in the library either reading or looking out of the window deep within her own thoughts, as for Hayley she was the one to always be seen with either sister or reading something of Elijah's.

Edward had come to ignore Bella and hadn't kept demanding her name, some part of her felt weird to say the least. She had grown to miss the frustrated comments that he would leave behind only for her to make a sarcastic remark. It made her laugh seeing his reaction. But with the passing of days after her laughing in front of him for the very first time he had grown cold to her. And she was going to confront him about it, sooner or later.

"I feel great Agnes," Hayley sighs out.

The older witch gives both pregnant women a stern look. "You two are overdue for a checkup."

Beth had a weird feeling with Agnes, something yelled dangerous about her. So like always she followed her intuition. "Yes, because we're of course going to pop up in the quarter, a witch and a werewolf being escorted by another witch. Nothing to see here," Hayley spoke her mind.

Rebekah speaks up from her position in front of a computer sitting on the other side of the room, "A woman would kill to have a child, it strikes me as odd your not taking better care of yours."

Guilt ran through both girls. Sighing Beth turned to Agnes, interrupting any intuition she once felt. "Fine."

Agnes smiles at her softly, it looked almost a deceiving one. "I already scheduled an appointment for the both of you, one out in the bayou."

"Bayou?" Hayley questioned.

"Dr Paige is only that far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients." Agnes stood up. "Come on."

The two hesitatingly followed after the witch but before they could go any further Beth looked back at her younger sister. "You coming Bells?"

Bella tore herself from her thoughts. Simply shaking her head, "No, I have something to do." She informs the witch Swan.

Hayley pops her head in speaking up, "Don't do anything stupid while we're gone."

Bella scoffs. As Beth added, "It's bound to happen Ley."

Hayley lightly slaps the eldest Swan. "Don't jinx it."

Beth simply rolls her eyes and joins Agnes in the car, Hayley following right after her.

Once gone, Bella goes to Rebekah's side. "Why is Edward ignoring me?" She asks bluntly. She wanted to know why Edward was being obsessive of learning her name to completely disappearing on her.

The original vampire turned her head towards the human girl. "Why don't you ask him yourself, he's in his room." Rebekah waves off, turning back to her computer on a mission.

Orphic | K.M ᵀʷⁱˡⁱᵍʰᵗ & ᵀʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now