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Bella walked into the room that had both Rebekah and Klaus conversing in, Edward hot on her tail

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Bella walked into the room that had both Rebekah and Klaus conversing in, Edward hot on her tail. "For the last time just give me your name," Edward demands once again.

Bella plops herself onto the couch right besides Rebekah. "No," She plainly tells him.

Edward groans annoyed with this situation. He just wanted to know her name. He did everything that would get her to tell him her name but all led to a huge dead end. Compulsion. Vervained. Asking nicely. Ignored. Demanding. A simple no. Threats... after the first three he would get a book thrown at his head.

Klaus laughs at this. Rebekah rolls her eyes and looks at her adoptive son. "How many times have I told you, that is no way to treat a lady."

Klaus continues to laugh, "Perhaps that's why he hasn't had anyone fancy him."

Edward glares darkly at his uncle. "Says the one that throws a tantrum every time his family does something behind his back."

Klaus wide smile drops, his eyes growing dark. Leaning in his seat towards his nephew. The two continued to have a heated stare but a laugh interrupts them. Edward stiffens upon hearing it. The laugh was loud, obnoxious sounding, wild. It sounded so careless, so...

Edward tore his red crimson eyes towards the person who was making that sound. His eyes landing on the human teenage girl. He stared at her as she laughed. Her laugh... He had never heard such a laugh before. One that sounded like that. It intrigued him- No. It bewildered him to no end. How could someone laugh so thoughtlessly, so... heedless. He felt as if he could smile. And that terrified him. He needed to get out of the room. Get away from her. He shouldn't feel this immense... this immense- whatever it was, he didn't like it. Turning away from her he walked out of the room.

Bella's laugh soon died out as she watched the brooding teenager bolt out of the room, frowning, she looked at both of the Mikealson siblings. "What's his deal?" She questioned. A ping of hurt hit her chest. Typically her laugh made others laugh, made others smile. But never did they cause such a reaction. That reaction.

Klaus waves him off, "He's always brooding."

"He ran out of the room," Bella points out. "After I was laughing."

Rebekah goes to chase after her adoptive son only for the werewolf Swan to enter the room holding what she recognizes to be a belonging of Elijah, she simply waved it off as something minor. "Who left when you were laughing?" She asks, lightly.

Bella crosses her arms, slumping on the couch she sat at, responding, "A dick."

Hayley hums, passing the threshold entering the room fully, seeing her sister like this, the conversation was going to be waited knowing Bella Swan would murmur any answer under her breathe, upset at the situation, so Hayley turned to the two Mikealsons. "Do you two have a plan on saving your brother? The good one." She then turns to Klaus. "You know, the one who's in possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed in the back!"

Orphic | K.M ᵀʷⁱˡⁱᵍʰᵗ & ᵀʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now