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Edward caught Bella fast asleep reading what belonged to him

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Edward caught Bella fast asleep reading what belonged to him. An old journal that he had come to care so little for and yet he grew enrage that someone would dare learn of the true horror of this damn city and his personal thoughts.

He went to lean over but stopped seeing her eyes scrunching together as if she was having a nightmare. Usually he would go on with his day, not be affected by a mere human but this one, this particular human had a hold on him, something has attached to him that guided him to her. And he hated that some thing as little a string could weigh so much.

He couldn't help himself but stare at her for a couple of long dragging moments. He could see her twitching throughout her sleep, shifting around on the couch. Something in him made him feel alive in some sort of way. Was it the old dead mortal that was still entrapped in him begging to feel some sort of humane vile thing.

Shaking his head, as the foolish thought left his mind. It was silly of him to think of the old dead mortal that was once him, that had grown to trust those so easily, so carelessly. He was long dead, ever since he was turned into the beast he was now.

His hand made its way above the Swan women, his fingers scraping the leather covering of his old journal. He froze when he felt a cold -colder than him- hand holding his wrist. How could anyone be colder than him? His red crimson eyes slowly scanned the hand going all the way down the arm heading to the shoulder and seeing Bella wide awake.

"What are you doing in my room?" She questioned harshly.

Edward waved off her tone and her. Slipping his hand from her grip, he continued to lean over her. But something stopped him from grabbing a hold of his belonging, his eyebrows scrunching together. Usually he would hear a line of curse words being yelled in someone's head. But the more he stood there the more he didn't hear anything from her. "Do you ever think?" He gives her a questioning stare.

Bella scoffed, hearing him speak to her for the first times within weeks, and all he could say or ask was, did she ever think? She sat straight up forcing him to take a couple of step back. "Is that all you have to say?"

Edward gave her an emotionless stare making it harder for her to read him. "Do you think?" He repeated.

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "I asked a question first," She says stubbornly.

Edward gave her a 'are you serious' look. But she never budge, never answered his question. Filled with determination. "Yes I'm-" He gave in.

"What are you doing in my room?" She repeated herself.

Edward gave her a challenging look. "Well your door is open," He plainly said.

"It's not open," She points to the door.

Edward corrected himself, "The window was open."

Bella gave him an incredulous look. "You know no boundaries," She murmurs.

Orphic | K.M ᵀʷⁱˡⁱᵍʰᵗ & ᵀʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now