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It was quite during the ride back to the plantation

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It was quite during the ride back to the plantation. Everything filled with pure tense silence. Bella looked over at Edward, seeing him without his seat belt she jokingly said, "You should seriously put on your seatbelt."

Edward turned his head towards her not paying attention to the road but to her. His foot pressing the gas more. His red eyes flicker down to her body too noticing her lack of safety. "For the one having a absurd amount of injuries in one lifetime you seem to lack your safety," He points out turning back to the road.

Bella raises an eyebrow at him, "So?" Her brown eyes flickering from him and to what held before them back to him.

Edward chokes out a small laugh. He hated how... careless he had become around her. Was this her doing? And if so, how was she able to do this? "You are a complexing character," He finally spoke.

Bella now staring at him intently, tilted her head to the side exposing her star birthmark. Edward did a double-take on it, his breathe hitching in his throat. "You have a star scar?" He says hoping it was just that, that she was branded when younger. He hoped to not have anything connected with... them.

Bella instinctively placed a hand over her birthmark that she usually covered up always receiving those type of questions given its scarring look. She corrected him, "No it's a birthmark." Edward clenched his fists tighter. Bella bites her lip. "Hayley says it might be a connection to my past. To my biological family. I beg to differ." She shrugs her shoulders. Hayley was more than optimistic when it came to biological family.

Upon stopping the car, Bella lifts her hand to the handle, going to open the door. Clink. Raising an eyebrow once again she turned towards Edward filled with confusion. "I never thought you would be the one to lock the doors."

"Then what do you think?"

"The one who jumps at the opportunity of having anyone outside of his inner circle," Bella starts. "And when someone starts changing your perspective of the world you shut them out."

Edward bowed his head low, his eyes striking into hers in a deadly manner, that Bella didn't find threatening. In fact she felt more comfortable with it. He was more than shock to see that she actually put time and effort into her answer. "You actually put thought into it." He licks his lips.

Bella leaned on the car door simply shrugging her shoulders without much of a reply to that.

Edward eyes land on her birthmark once again. Lifting his hand, his cold long boney fingers traced it. Looking lost in thought. His touch sending shivers down her spine, made her breathe hitch in the middle of her throat never moving, her body left tensing. Never had she have someone trace her birthmark with such an intense stare.

"Never," He finally spoke, darkly. His voice filling the car. "And I mean never look into..." He taps his finger in the middle of the star. "... this past."

Orphic | K.M ᵀʷⁱˡⁱᵍʰᵗ & ᵀʰᵉ ᴼʳⁱᵍⁱⁿᵃˡˢ  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now