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Hours had past ever since the Mikealsons and Swans had left the plantation and went to search for the pregnant werewolf

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Hours had past ever since the Mikealsons and Swans had left the plantation and went to search for the pregnant werewolf.  Worry displayed in Beth's feature as she listened intently to what Klaus talked.

Learning of Hayley disappearance was all because of Tyler who was one of Klaus' first hybrid gave chills to the sisters.

The two siblings had ended up splitting up the younger two went together and the older two. Beth and Elijah walked alongside each other in pure silence that was until Elijah, "I suspect you barely know the society that we take part in."

Beth stepped over a large log. "I know the society we live in." She turns to him. "The species I care very little of."

Elijah raises an eyebrow answering his own mental question. "So that's why you barely know the Volturi."

"What about them?" The young brunette Swan continued onward heading down the path that held before them.

Elijah simply answers, "So you barely know that your sister is related to the Volturi."

Beth stops walking looking over at him. Bewildered by this. "How do you know that?" She asks him.

His eyes lands onto her birthmark. "They all share a biological quality," He informs her.

"A birthmark?" Beth guessed.

"The star birthmark," He said. Beth continued to stare at him recollecting thoughts from the birthmark.

The night sky grew more darker, the wind blowing harder against them as they walked through the snow. All growing tired, tattering clothes breaking at it's own seems, hanging on its own small little thread.

A set of chattering teeth could be heard through the harsh breeze of the snowy night.

A dark brunette haired girl wrapped her arms around the lighter brown haired girl trying her best to keep her warm. The snow falling from the sky landed inside of their torn clothes making one freeze. The youngest one out of them all kept up with their pace. The newly kicked out children continued to try and find shelter, anything that screamed warmth.

The nine year old girl eyes holding nothing but pure astonishment as the snowflakes landed on her with what seems to be ease. She giggled at the touch. "Hayley, Beth, look," She says catching snowflakes. The two older sisters smiled softly at her.

Soon the loud giggles were hushed out into screams. Hayley let go of Beth and charged towards the man with a dark hood. Beth eyes scanned her surroundings seeing for any weapon.

Hayley rammed herself into the dark cloaked person, Bella thrashing around aggressively. The taller hooded person grabbed a hold of Hayley's hair yanking her off of them. They then threw the werewolf away from them with an immense amount of strength.

Bella stomped on the person's foot screaming. The person didn't budge with letting go, lowering themselves they wrapped their arms around the little girl covering her mouth to muffle her screams planning to get out of there as soon as possible.

Something struck their head making them turn around seeing Beth holding a stick. Growing annoyed, they dropped the girl and stalked towards the thirteen year old who began backing up with fear.

Vines from below the thick snow grew up wrapping tightly around the hooded figure ankles slithering against its legs. Struggling against it, the hooded person fell to their knees clawing at the vines that dared to eat them alive.

Their hood falling off exposing themselves to the girls. Long brown hair with red crimson eyes with cat-like eyes and figure. Pale skin that looked like a white piece of paper, fangs protruding from her mouth, her lips pulled into a scowl. The only one thing that caught Beth and Hayley's eyes the more they stared at the struggling woman was her neck... her neck holding the same star birthmark as their youngest sister.

"They all have a star birthmark?" Beth hugs herself, confining on walking.

Elijah nods his head, "Yes."

"Who are they-"

Hearing branches breaking and panting, both Beth cut herself off, raising her arm instinctively ready to use her magic. When her eyes caught a familiar hazel green eyes, lowering her hands she sighed in relief and instantly wrapped her arms around her sister.

Hayley holding tightly onto a knife she took from Tyler, she stiffened while she was being held by someone she considered to be blood. Everything that Tyler had spoken to her, all of the information buzzing through her mind she needed to tell someone, needed to tell them, needed to tell her.

Beth pulls away, Elijah joining her side and checking her over to see any wounds. "Tyler told me something." She stares at Beth who too stared back, filled with curiosity. "About Bella's birthmark."

Beth crosses her arms, "That seems to be the main topic now." She mutters. "What did he tell you."

"That she's related to this big family of vampires."

Elijah looks away from the two. "Did he say what family?" Beth asks.

Hayley shakes her head staring at Elijah intently, "Not me, but you know." She accuses the original. "You know who Bella is related to."

Elijah eyes flickers to the woman carrying his child, a frown coming to his features. Sighing heavily he spoke out loud, "It's not possible."

Hayley steps away from her older sister and right in front of the original vampire. "What's not possible?" She questioned, her voice filled with a harsh tone.

"She can't be related to... them. They haven't had an offspring in..." He shakes his head filled with doubt.

Hayley speaks up, "There's also something you should know." She stares at Elijah, intensely.

Elijah drops the previous subject, staring right back at her filled with his own thoughts.

"The baby..." Hayley hung her words.

This chapter was mainly focused on/about Bella and a couple of others which I don't mind at all. I'm actually really happy about writing her in my own interpretation.

Anyways have a great day/afternoon/night. Make sure to eat and drink something for today.



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