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Art by Sockpaws!
TW - blood, mentions of kidnapping, death and torture
CW - swearing


I hated hostages.
Specifically one hostage.
The cute brunette sitting in the room with bars on the windows.
Karl Jacobs.

I'd never really held a hostage before, I usually just killed the victim. The longest I'd ever held a hostage was three days, after that I'd always been given permission to kill. We'd been holding Jacobs for a week. And let me tell you, it had been the worst week of my life. Almost. The only good thing about holding Karl Jacobs hostage was that he was the most attractive person I'd ever seen. Other than that he was a sassy, rude, overconfident bitch. And I hated him.

"Sapnap!" Quackity stormed into the room, his arms crossed.
"What?" I looked up from the tv where some trashy reality tv show was playing.
"You haven't given Jacobs food today," Quackity glared at me.
"Why the hell do I have to do it? I can't stand him," I complained, switching off the tv. Quackity rolled his eyes.

"Because, Sap, we have a system. We're doing good cop, bad cop. You create a bond with him and I beat the shit out of him. He'll end up giving information to one of us eventually," Quackity sighed deeply and adjusted his beanie.
"Why can't I be the bad cop. You don't even know how badly I want to punch that pretty face of his," I mumbled angrily.
"We can't just switch roles one week in. It'll ruin the effect. Just be fucking nice to him, por favor,"

"Fine," I glared daggers at Quackity as I stormed into the kitchen to make Jacobs a sandwich. Once it was ready, I made my way to his room, taking deep breaths to ready myself to deal with his stupid attitude. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door. I walked inside and locked the door once more, not wanting to take any chances of escape.

Jacobs was curled up in a ball in the corner of the room when I walked in. His formerly vibrant colour block hoodie was covered in dirt and blood from the busted lip Quackity gave him yesterday. Jacobs looked up when I entered and he immediately hurried to wipe tears out of his eyes.
"What do you want?" He spat, his tone full of hate. I rolled my eyes and handed him the sand which on a paper plate.

Jacobs smirked at it,
"Jesus, whats a man gotta do to get some Taco Bell around here?" He got to his feet, all traces of sadness gone from his expression. I clenched my fists, trying to calm myself as I stared into his annoyingly pretty blue eyes. My eyes flickered down to his bleeding lip. It looked bad.
"You need to clean that," I said, gesturing to his lip. He scoffed,
"No shit, buddy, I don't have anything to clean it with though, do I?" He leaned against the wall and took a bite of the sandwich.

"Don't call me buddy," I spat. He laughed. "Stay here," I told him as I unlocked the door once more.
"Literally where the fuck do you think I'm going to go Stupidnap?" He replied casually, making my blood boil.
"Shut up," I snarled as I slammed the door shut and locked it. I walked into the kitchen and found Quackity standing there on his phone.

"Q, where's the first aid?" I asked, my eyes scanning the cupboards. Quackity glanced up, his expression amused.
"There," He pointed up to a small box on the counter. I thanked him quickly and grabbed it. I made my way back to Jacobs' room. Jacobs was sitting on the bed, the plate next to him empty. He was staring through the barred window, he looked sad.

I cleared my throat to get his attention.
"Oh, you're back," He said, turning to face me. I didn't reply, I sat on the bed beside him and started digging in the first aid kit for some sort of cloth to clean the cut with. Once I had what I was looking for, I looked up and met Jacobs' eyes.
"Hold still Jacobs," I mumbled, bringing the small square cloth up to his injured lip. He immediately recoiled.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, glaring at me.

"Um, cleaning your wound?" I replied, leaning closer once more. Jacobs looked me up and down, his eyes distrusting.
"Fine. Be careful though," He mumbled, looking down, his face red. I nodded and carefully brought my hand up to his bottom lip,
"This might hurt a little," I warned him. He nodded. Very gently, I began to dab at the wound with the cloth, cleaning away some of the blood. Jacobs winced in pain and without thinking I took his hand.

"Squeeze my hand when it hurts, Jacobs," I said.
"Karl," He responded quietly.
"What?" I lowered the cloth, staring at him.
"Call me Karl. Not Jacobs," He gave me a half smile which I returned.
"Okay Karl, call me Sapnap. Not Stupidnap," We grinned at each other and I brought the cloth up to his wound again.

Once I'd cleaned it with the cloth I ran to the kitchen to get two glasses of water. One of them, I used to pour on his busted lip to flush out anything I'd missed with the cloth. The other, I handed to Karl. He accepted it gratefully and took a sip. I got another cloth from the first aid box and gently pressed it onto his bottom lip.
"Hold that there, apply some pressure on it," I told Karl who just nodded.

We sat side by sides in silence for a while, Karl fiddled with the rings on my right finger.
"Tell me about your missions," Karl said after a while, removing the cloth for a moment so he could speak. I looked at him in surprise. He continued, "It's not like it'll be new information. It's public knowledge that you commit crimes. I just want to hear your perspective," He gave me an awkward smile and I chuckled.

I took his hand and brought the cloth back to his lip before saying,
"Alright, let me tell you about the time I went to England with my friend, NotFound and whilst he killed a member of the royal family, I set fire to all of Boris Johnson's model buses," I grinned and Karl did too. He sat silently, playing with my rings again whilst I told him about past missions I'd been on.

Before long, he was telling me about missions he'd been on and kids he'd met. I didn't even notice time passing quickly and the sky outside darkening. By seven p.m. Karl was sat between my legs, telling me about the kid he'd been protecting on the day I kidnapped him whilst I gently tangled my fingers in his soft hair.
"And he made me some fake burgers and it was adorable, too bad his parents died," Karl said softly. I hummed in response,

"You're not evil," I murmured after. Karl chuckled,
"What?" He turned slightly so he could make eye contact with me.
"I just thought you were going to be some cold hearted asshole," I told him truthfully. Karl grinned.
"You're not too bad yourself, buddy, although you're definitely worse than me," He leant back, resting his head on my chest.
"Stop calling me buddy," I replied quietly.

We stayed sat like that and soon enough Karl had drifted off too sleep. I carefully lifted him up and lay him properly in bed before tugging the thin blanket over his small frame. I smiled sadly at him. Maybe if I hadn't kidnapped him, I'd have asked him out. Unfortunately I had kidnapped him and I'd most likely have to kill him.

I silently cursed myself as I left the room, why had I allowed that to happen? Why had I allowed myself to enjoy his presence. I couldn't get too attached to him. I just couldn't. I needed to stop myself before I made a huge mistake.

Word count - 1348

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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