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Art by DeepFriedFury
TW - injury, mentions of death, suicidal thoughts, small mental breakdown
CW - swearing, fluff


It had been three days.
I was still in a lot of pain.
I hadn't seen Quackity since he beat the absolute shit out of me and I'd only seen Sapnap the few times he'd brought me food. To say I was lonely would be an understatement. I was starting to regret pushing Sapnap away. Even if Quackity beat me up for talking to him, at least I wouldn't be completely alone.

By this point, I'd given up any hope that Corpse and the others were going to find me. I'd accepted the fact that I was probably going to die, completely and utterly deserted, by myself in a gross, cold cell. Fun. All I did for hours on end was lie on the cold, blood stained ground and stare at the smooth, light blue ceiling.

I liked the ceiling. It was painted a pale blue colour that reminded me of the sky on a cloudless day. I stared up at it, imagining I was safe and at home, maybe sitting by my mom's pool as she scolded my younger brother for splashing water all over the deck. I could almost hear them both laughing and coming up with playful arguments. I could almost smell the pool water as it splashed lightly onto the deck. I could almost feel the soft breeze on my face.

"Get up," Sapnap was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed. I looked up in surprise. Sapnap marched across the room and pulled me roughly to my feet, not caring if he injured me in the process.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he pulled me out of the room. He ignored me as he dragged me through the apartment. Maybe he was taking me to be killed. I hated to admit it but a small part of me wanted that to be my fate.

We arrived at the bathroom and he pushed me inside. Being here confirmed my suspicions that he was going to kill me, the bathroom was the perfect place to do it, the blood would be easier to clean up. I took a deep breath and held out my arms.
"Hurry up then, do it," I said, closing my eyes tightly. I waited to hear the click of a gun being pulled on me or to feel the blade of a knife against my throat. But nothing happened.

"What?" Sapnap sounded confused. I opened my eyes. He was just standing there, staring at me.
"Hurry up and kill me goddammit, I've suffered long enough don't you think?" I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. I didn't know where it came from. I had a small feeling that it might be my bottled up emotions being let out. Sapnap's expression softened. I didn't have time for this. "Just hurry up. I want it to be over. I'm tired. I just want to die," I wasn't sure where this feeling, this need to die was coming from but it scared me.

"Thats not true," Sapnap said shakily, "You don't want to die," It was a statement. No a demand. He wasn't asking me to hold on, he was telling me to. I slowly shook my head as I just stared at him. He seemed to know how I was feeling, just by looking into my eyes, "Karl... no," He whispered. He took a step forward.

I lost it. Everything came pouring out of me. I lurched forwards as sobs racked my body. Sapnap pulled me into his arms and held me close, gently patting my back.
"Hey, its okay, let it out," He murmured as I cried into his shoulder. I hated the fact that I was crying and showing him weakness but I couldn't help it, the tears kept coming and I couldn't stop them, I just couldn't take it anymore. I was overwhelmed.

Sapnap continued to hold me as I sobbed, he whispered little comforts in my ear. He made me feel safe. Which made me feel worse. Once I'd managed to calm down, he carefully guided me over to the shower. I wiped my eyes on the sleeves of the fluffy pyjamas I'd woken up wearing the other day. Very gently, Sapnap turned on the water and began temperature testing it.
"It's okay, you're okay. How about you take a nice shower and then we can go from there," His voice was soothing.

I nodded, still tearful. He gave me a reassuring smile and pointed to the fresh clothes folded beside the sink and the towel hanging on a hook on the door.
"Take your time, relax," He told me. Then he left the room, allowing me some space. I stripped and climbed into the shower. I washed all of the grime and blood away and came out feeling refreshed. Once I was dry I pulled on the clothes Sapnap had given me; a fresh pair of boxers, a pair of sweatpants, an orange t-shirt and a hoodie which looked to be his. The hoodie was once again too big on me. I smiled.

I walked out of the room and almost bumped into Sapnap who seemed to be pacing back and forth, a worried expression on his face.
"You're going to run out of hoodies soon," I said, smiling coolly at him.
"What?" He stopped pacing and just stared at me.
"If you keep letting me wear your hoodies, they'll all get stained with blood," I laughed humourlessly and Sapnap winced.

Deciding to ignore my comment, he gestured for me to follow him further into the house. I did so, glad to be anywhere but back in my cell. He lead me into a part of the apartment I'd never seen before. It was a kitchen and I could see a living room branching off beyond it. Sapnap walked behind the counter and began gathering ingredients. I sat down on one of the bar stools.

"Where's Quackity?" I asked after a moment,
"Out," Sapnap responded curtly. I frowned. He'd been so nice earlier, what had changed? Deciding to mirror his attitude, I clamped my mouth shut and looked anywhere but at him. After a while, he slid a plate of pancakes in front of me. I wordlessly ate them, keeping my eyes down.

Once we were both finished eating, Sapnap and I sat in silence. I didn't want to speak just in case it caused him to put me back in the cell, I was actually quite enjoying this little bit of freedom. There was a nervous energy in the room. And then Sapnap spoke.
"I don't get you," He said, causing me to look up and make eye contact. I stood up and walked around the counter,
"What do you mean?" I stopped a metre away from him. He frowned lightly.

"One minute, you're funny and kind, then you're sad and then you're a bitch," He was fiddling with the hem of his shirt as he spoke. I chuckled.
"I could say the same for you, buddy, if anyone's a bitch here, it's you," I grinned. Sapnap rolled his eyes,
"Stop calling me buddy," He laughed. "And trust me, I'm not the bitch in this situation," He took a small step closer to me.
"You definitely are the bitch, buddy," I stepped closer to him, a challenging smirk on my face.

"Shut up" He breathed, getting impossibly closer, his eyes filled with something I didn't recognise.
"Make me" I murmured. Our faces were mere millimetres away from each other now and the rest of the world seemed to disappear around Sapnap.
"Maybe I will," His voice was slightly shaky and barely above a whisper.
"Go on then, buddy,"

He grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me forward, connecting our lips. I immediately kissed back, my hand resting gently on his shoulder. It was like sparks were dancing around us. I wanted nothing more than to stay in that moment with Sapnap for all eternity.

But alas, the kiss ended. We rested our foreheads together, both of us breathing slightly heavier than usual.
"We just kissed," Sapnap said, his tone shocked and pleased at the same time.
"Yes. Shall we do it again?" I smiled. He leaned back and looked into my eyes.

He crashed his lips against mine and the world melted away.

Word count - 1393

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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