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Art by Sockpaws!
TW - mentions of death, mentions of fighting
CW - swearing


We were in trouble.
Every SBI operative had been sent a red alert. The Cricket Crew and The Amigops had made their team-up announcement and their request for a fight. Immediately after Bad's crew and the SBI had announced their alliance and agreed to the fight.
We were going into battle tomorrow. The winning team won everything the other team owned.

"This is fucking ridiculous," Sapnap cried as he paced the living room. Dream stood by the door, staring at it. He hadn't moved from here since George had left. Sapnap ran his hands through his hair, looking frustrated, "Both sides are just going to lose lives for the dumbest fucking reason," He said.

Karl nodded quietly from the couch. He was curled up under a blanket, a cup of coffee in his hands.
"Maybe we can just, like, hide at the edge of the battle field or something? Thats what I used to do in P.E. at school," Karl remarked, causing me to laugh lightly. Sapnap stopped pacing,
"We can't, people will shoot us. I'm not letting you get shot, babe," Sapnap said to the brunette who stifled a laugh.

"Calm down Sap, it'll be fine," I assured him in the most gentle voice I could muster. Sapnap scoffed.
"We've lost George. He's the best assassin we've got. Even with the entire SBI, we won't stand a chance without George,"
"We haven't lost him," Dream spoke for the first time in almost an hour. He walked towards us, an angry look on his face, "He's not fucking dead," He said firmly. I frowned,
"Look, I know you like him but we have to be realistic here, he just gave himself up to the enemy. We have to assume he's dead,"

I gave the blond a sympathetic look,
"In this line of work, if we spend time hoping that people are alive then we get distracted and we all end up dead. We can't build our plan around the small possibility that George is alive," I stated, crossing my arms. Sapnap and Karl nodded in agreement but Dream hesitated,
"But- but I- I only just remembered," He breathed.

"What?" Sapnap's attention snapped to Dream who frowned. "What the fuck do you mean? If you remembered then why were you being such an ass to him?" Sapnap stormed up to the blond, looking like an angry big brother. Dream's eyes widened in surprise.
"I- what? He's NotFound! He lied to me!" He frowned at the shorter,

"For fucks sake Dream! Look at things from George's perspective! You literally only forgot stuff about him. But your dad told him that you remembered him. Then you told him to go away with no explanation! He almost died on the streets until the leaders of the SBI took him in. He only had two options, die or become an assassin! And of course he dedicated his career to taking you down because he blamed you for making him live on the streets," Sapnap was yelling. I'd never heard him this defensive before.

"You didn't know George after the accident," I cut in, "When I met him, all he talked about was you and how it must be a mistake because you were in love. But then he gave up hope. He was so broken,"
Dream looked guilty.
"Ive never thought about it like that," He said quietly. "I just... I love him, so fucking much,"
"I know," Sapnap said. "If he's alive, make sure you tell him that,"

They stared at each other for a moment, tears spilled over Dream's cheeks.
"I want to fight with you guys. I want to find George," He wiped his eyes and crossed his arms, "I'm getting him back,"
Sapnap and I nodded.
"I want to help too," Karl piped up, "I'm on your side... or more specifically Sapnap's side," He grinned and Sapnap blushed lightly.

"Alright," I said, "Dream, Karl, Welcome to The Crew Boys,"


We got on the plane to New York early the next morning. The SBI was holding a huge planning meeting with all operatives and Bad Halo's crew. The four of us had been elected as a special defence team as we'd all been in close contact with the enemy side and we knew most about them.

Fundy picked us up from the airport. He was a good assassin but he worked mainly in our computer department. We didn't speak much on the way to the SBI headquarters and when we arrived we were immediately rushed towards the huge auditorium conference room.

We were greeted by Technoblade who showed us to our seats. We were sat on the stage, besides the other leaders. Bad was already there, his husband Skeppy beside him and his bodyguards Ant and Velvet standing behind them. Philza stood at a podium, waiting as everyone found their seats. Sapnap and Dream greeted Bad warmly.

Dream sat beside Bad. Sapnap sat next to Dream and directed Karl into the seat on his other side. Sapnap and Karl grabbed each other's hands and smiled warmly. I sat on Karl's other side. Two seats remained in the row. I wondered who they were for. I watched quietly as people poured into the tiered seating opposite the stage. It had never really occurred to me just how many operatives the SBI really had.

After a few minutes, someone took the seat beside me. I looked up, ready to greet them. My greeting died on my tongue when I saw who it was. Wilbur. I shook my head and turned to Karl.
"Hey Karl, do you mind if we swap seats please?" I hissed. Karl nodded quickly and opened his mouth to respond but Sapnap was already out of his seat.
"Sit here Q, I'm not letting this fucker anywhere near you or near Karl," He hissed, glaring daggers at Wilbur.

I sighed in relief and took Sapnap's old seat. Sapnap sauntered over and sat beside Wilbur. I saw Wilbur smile and wave but Sapnap just glared at him and turned away to talk to Karl. Wilbur leaned forward and stared at me, something like regret in his eyes. I turned away, feeling upset.

"Alright!" Philza called for silence. "As you all know, The Amigops and The Cricket Crew have called for battle. We will not back down. We're going to fight!" He smiled around at the room, "And we're going to win!"

A cheer erupted around the room and I couldn't help but feel worried.
What if this was all a mistake?

Word count - 1092

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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