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Art by Sockpaws!
TW - blood, injury, needle, hallucinations, bullet wounds
CW - swearing


I stood valiantly in the middle of the cold, stone room.
Blood was smeared across my cheek from a small cut and other cuts just like it were scattered around the rest of me, they were all shallow, not deep enough to leave scars. Extensive bruises blossomed across my skin and one of my ribs felt broken.

My entire body ached and screamed in pain, I could barely stay on my feet but I forced myself to. I wasn't going to allow myself to show weakness.
Corpse stood a few feet away, his knuckles covered in my blood, watching me carefully.
"Let's try this again Karl, where is the SBI headquarters?" He asked.

I laughed and spat blood out of my mouth.
"Let's try this again Corpse, I don't fucking know," I retorted. Corpse huffed an angry sigh and threw another punch at my face. I stumbled backwards upon impact but didn't fall. I took a moment to steady myself and when I looked up again, Corpse was wearing brass knuckles.

"Karl, please, stop protecting them," He said wearily. I raised my fists weakly, trying to gather my remaining strength.
"Fuck you," I spat.
"Fine," Corpse muttered before swinging his fist towards me. The cold metal brass knuckles connected with my face and I stumbled backwards into the wall. I slowly slid down it onto the floor, feeling my cheek go slightly numb with pain.

Corpse looked down at me distastefully. He turned towards the door.
"I'll be back later," He said coldly, "Make sure you're ready to talk by then,"
I let a manic laugh slip from my mouth and he turned on his heel.

"What's so funny?" He asked harshly. I laughed again,
"You want to know something Corpse?" I whispered, barely able to speak through my pain.
"You're just as bad as the people who kidnapped me. Probably worse. They also beat the shit out of me and honestly, it was less horrible than this," I smiled weakly and Corpse looked horrified.

"Pato beat me up a lot, sure, but it was never as bad as this. He never hurt me this much. And no matter how bad it was, Pandas always helped me clean the wounds," As I spoke, I began to feel unconsciousness creeping up on me. Corpse frowned and then opened his mouth to speak. After a moment he closed it again and stormed out of the room, locking the door behind him.

The second he was gone, I collapsed on the cold ground, curling into a ball. I was completely overwhelmed by pain and an aching sensation that was beginning to spread through my body. I forced myself to stay awake, scared of what would happen if I dared let myself slip into unconsciousness.

I didn't know how long I lay there but after a while I felt someone beside me. They reached out to touch me but they were like a ghost. I dazedly turned my head to get a better look. A little boy sat there, his features twisting and shadowy. I was horrified as I noticed the needle sticking out of his neck, blood dripping from the wound.

I scrambled away from the boy who just sat there, silently watching me.
"Hello Karl," He said quietly, his voice sounded distant. I recognised the voice, it felt familiar. "They took my parents away," He informed me after a moment. Then he pulled a small, plastic burger out of his pocket and his appearance settled into the face of Jack Manifold.

I screamed in fear as he pulled the needle from his neck and turned it on me.
"They'll take Sapnap from you. And then you'll know how I felt," He said it so calmly and I felt tears creeping up on me. I felt a ghostly shadow hand on my shoulder and I whipped around to see Sapnap standing there, a bullet hole between his eyes. He was crying.

"Let me numb the pain," Jack said quietly. I felt the sharp point of the needle as it came to rest on my neck. Sapnap's ghostly fingers settled on mine.
"It's okay. Close your eyes darling, I'm right here, it's all going to be okay," Sapnap's distanced voice whispered. Then I felt the needle being driven into my neck and I slumped onto the concrete floor, unconscious.

I dreamt of Sapnap.
Nothing in particular was happening, we were just sitting side by side, hand in hand. Sapnap's thumb traced circles on the back of my palm. We were sharing a pair of headphones, both of us nodding silently along to whatever song was playing. We seemed to be on a glowing, white, empty train. The sole window showed nothing beyond but somehow I knew we were moving.

I tried to speak but I couldn't make a sound. I turned my head to look at Sapnap, he smiled at me but didn't speak. I took a small breath and debated standing up, trying to get out of here, trying to see something beyond the windows. The window was calling to me in a way, begging for me to look through it. But Sapnap's hand was warm in mine and the music in the background reminded me of him. I decided to stay.

I carefully rested my head on Sapnap's shoulder. As if by magic, his arm was suddenly around me, holding me close and the train was gone. Instead, we sat on a white beanbag in a white void, cradled in each other's arms. I allowed my senses to be consumed by the boy who held me so gently. He leaned a little closer to me and he opened his mouth to speak...


I slowly opened my eyes and was hit by dizziness and a tidal wave of pain. I felt an aching in my neck and when I reached up to touch it, I found a needle there. I cringed as I pulled it out and inspected it. It was different from the one Jack had been holding in my hallucinations but it was a needle nonetheless.

I could hear voices nearby and I forced myself to listen to the words they were saying.
"-didn't work. I thought you said it would make him talk,"
"Well it should have. It takes you to a place of comfort with the person you are most comfortable with and then there's a window of some sort and you get the urge to look through it. So you do. Or, you're supposed to. And then you just start talking, telling secrets,"

I didn't understand what the voices were talking about.
"What did it mean? When he said Sapnap over and over again?" They were talking again.
"I think that's the person he was with,"

I let out an accidental groan as I moved slightly and felt a burst of pain in my ribs. The voices went silent.
"He's awake,"

Word count - 1157

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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