1.9K 108 63

Art by DeepFriedFury
TW - mentions of death, injury
CW - swearing


One Year Earlier
..."Yes it was," For the first time since stepping onto the roof, I was amused. NotFound let a genuine smile play on his lips.
"Yeah, okay it was. But the flirtings over, darling," Without warning, he flipped us around so I was facing the edge of the building. He pushed me against the ledge, a manic gleam in his eyes...

"Tell me something, Detective Taken," NotFound drawled, brushing some of my hair out of my face, "Have you ever been in love?" There was a bitterness in his voice and as I gazed into his cold eyes, I realised they looked almost sad. I shook my head slowly and something seemed to break in NotFound's expression.

He let go of me and turned away.
"You aren't getting her back," He spat after a moment. I raised my eyebrows, his tone was harsh, something had changed in the easy demeanour he'd held only moments before.
"What?" I stepped towards him.
"You aren't getting your sister back," He said. I felt anger surge through me.

"What the fuck do you mean! Yes I fucking am!" I grabbed him by the arm and turned him to face me. He glared at me. Then he took a deep breath and his casual composure returned along with his flirtatious smirk.
"I'm afraid you don't get a say in it, darling. She's a prisoner of the SBI now, its out of my control," He grinned and I wanted to punch him in his smug face.

"So take this as a friendly warning, my dear," NotFound smiled, his hand reaching up to caress my cheek, "Back off," His touch left a fiery trail of hate along my face and I gritted my teeth in anger, "Although, I have loved this, sweetheart," He let his hand drop and he walked towards the edge of the building.

I followed him,
"You have to stop this," I stepped closer, "People have died," I said indignantly. NotFound laughed and turned to face me. I stepped closer and spun on my heel slowly as he walked around me, his hands behind his back.
"My darling detective, when will you learn?" He rose onto his toes and leaned in very close to me, his lips brushing my jaw as he whispered in my ear, "That's what people do,"

Then he stepped back and I barely had time to register the evil smirk on his face before I felt his hands on my chest, shoving me. I toppled backwards, my knees hit the edge of the roof and I fell. I tumbled through the air and I closed my eyes, bracing for impact. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, steadying me, stopping my fall.

I hung in the air for a moment, someone's arms around my waist. I opened my eyes, I was three floors off the ground now. Someone was hanging off a large wire attached to the roof, their arms were around me.
Then I heard an all too familiar voice in my ear.
"I fucking hate you,"
Then I was falling again. I hit the ground and the world went black...

Present Day

I was getting a little worried about George. He'd been acting strange recently. He barely spoke to me after the incident with NotFound and he'd been spending as much time out of the house as possible. After a week or so, I decided that I needed to make a move towards building back our friendship.

I knocked on George's bedroom door. I'd hardly seen him leave the room in so long. After a few moments, it opened just a tiny bit, I could barely see him.
"Yes?" He asked in a soft voice. I smiled warmly,
"I was just wondering if you wanted to talk about what happened? Maybe I could explain?" He started to shut the door in my face and I hurried to continue, "Or we don't have to be serious, we could just watch a movie,"

He frowned for a moment, clearly thinking. Then he let a small smile appear on his face,
"A movie sounds nice, maybe we can discuss the thing later," He opened his door properly and I frowned a little. He looked a little sickly. His small frame was engulfed in a large t-shirt and his hair was a complete mess, he looked like he hadn't slept in days and faded bruises were still covering his pale skin.

I decided not to mention the state he was in, instead I gently took his hand and lead him out of the room and into the kitchen.
"Popcorn?" I asked, letting go of him and walking over to the cupboard. George smiled and nodded. For the first time, I noticed how much I liked George's smile. Everything in the world seemed to light up with just the simple movement. When it was genuine, his smile reached his eyes, it made me want to make him smile. I wanted to be the reason for his smile, for the little ray of sunshine.

I grabbed the microwave popcorn out of the pantry and began preparing it. Once it was ready, I poured it into a large bowl and passed it to George who took it into the living room. I got two cokes out of the fridge and followed him. He'd put the bowl down on the coffee table and was curled up on the couch, remote in hand, searching Netflix for a film for us to watch.

I sat beside him and passed him a coke, he thanked me quietly.
"I don't know what to watch," He said after a moment. I chuckled.
"We could watch a crime documentary? I used to watch them loads. I like to understand the mentality behind a killer," I'd never told anyone that before. Back when I was in the height of my NotFound obsession, I'd spent hours and hours scouring through documentaries about serial killers, trying to figure out anything about a possible thought process of NotFound.

"Did you ever figure out NotFound?" George asked quietly. I shook my head and there was a long pause, "It was him, who came here the other day, wasn't it?" His eyes were trained on the floor as he spoke and I wanted nothing more than to reach out and take his hand, I hated how hurt he looked.
"Yeah, that was NotFound. I'm sorry he did that to you," I murmured. George looked up at me.

"Maybe you could teach me to protect myself? In case he comes back?" He looked hopeful. I smiled, maybe being able to defend himself was exactly what George needed.
"Yeah, absolutely!" I replied. George smiled. I made him smile. I felt a small happy warmth inside of me, a fuzzy little sunshine lighting up my heart.

"But first, I would like to watch the Sonic movie," George's smile widened and he pulled up the search bar.

And that is how I ended up sitting in my living room, watching Sonic with my roommate and wondering what that strange feeling of fluttering wings in my stomach was.

Word count - 1190

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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