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Art by Sockpaws!
TW - injury, blood
CW - swearing



All I could feel was pain. My entire body felt like it was on fire but at the same time I felt like I was drowning in a river of blisteringly cold ice. I felt dizzy and I was starting to regret becoming conscious. The last thing I remembered was being kicked and punched and lightly stabbed by Quackity before I blacked out on the concrete floor of my cell.

The first thing I noticed, aside from my pain, was the fact that I was no longer lying on the ground, in fact, I wasn't even in my cell anymore. I was buried deep under a large weighted blanket, a soft mattress beneath me and a warm orange glow flickering behind my eyelids. I realised could smell scented candles and I silently thanked Quackity for not breaking my nose.

I slowly pried my eyes open and after a moment of disorientation, I began to take in my surroundings. I was lying in the bed of a large room. The walls were a creamy white colour and the only light source was a few scented candles placed here and there. There was a desk beneath the window to the right of me and a large closet on the left. The door to the room stood opposite.

I was beyond confused. Had I been rescued? All of my injuries had been cleaned and bandaged up and my clothes, except my boxers, had been changed into a pair of fluffy panda themed pyjamas. I slowly sat up and took a few deep breaths, trying to assess the damage Quackity had done to me.

I was covered in bruises, far too many to count. I had a stab wound in my leg, a possibly broken rib and some other cuts covering my body. Everything hurt. I wanted to cry. But crying would have to wait until I knew where I was. Pushing my immense pain aside, I started climbing out of the bed. My feet landed on a soft grey carpet and I took a deep breathe. Very slowly, I took a step forward.

Pain shot through me and I fell back, clinging to the bed for support. Tears sprung up in my eyes and I slid onto the floor, breathing quickly and shallowly. I started feeling very dizzy and the world around me began to spin. I moved positions and put my head between my knees. I closed my eyes and waited for the dizziness to pass.

After a while, I was sure that it was gone but I didn't want to move in case it came back. I didn't know how long I sat there for, just breathing slowly, trying to ignore the pain that spiked through my body with every minor movement. Eventually, I heard footsteps outside the door and I managed to look up as someone walked into the room.

Sapnap stopped dead when he caught sight of me on the floor. He carefully laid the tray he was holding on the desk before rushing over to me, a worried expression on his face.
"Karl, what happened?" He said softly, reaching out towards me. I quickly shook my head and although it hurt a lot, I shuffled away from him. His face fell.
"What's wrong?" He asked, his eyes scanning me for any further injury.

"He warned me. He said to stay away from you or it would be worse," My voice sounded hoarse and raspy. It hurt my throat to speak. Guilt flashed across Sapnap's face.
"Karl, I'm sorry he did that to you," He moved ever so slightly closer to me, "I won't let him do it again," He reached out his hand.
"Stay away from me," I spat, glaring at him. He looked sad. I almost cared.

We didn't speak for a few minutes. Sapnap just stared at me, worried, I just glared at him. After a while he seemed to remember the tray he'd brought with him. He stood up and grabbed it before sitting down again and placing out in front of me.
"Here, you need to eat and drink," He murmured, his voice gentle. I shook my head.
"I'm fine," I lied, hugging me knees up to my chest.

"Karl, don't be like this," He sighed,
"Be like what?! This is your fault! He did this to me because of you!" I struggled into a standing position and hobbled even further away from Sapnap. He looked hurt.
"I'm sorry," He said sincerely. I shook my head. He sighed again, "Look, I know you're mad at me, but you need food and water, okay? Just take it," He held the tray out towards me.

After a moment of tense silence, I carefully took the tray from him. I sat down cross legged on the floor and surveyed what was on the tray. A grilled cheese, a glass of water and a large cookie. I considered refusing to eat, to prove a point, but after a few moments, my growling stomach got the best of me. I began wolfing down the grilled cheese. It felt good to be eating something other than Sapnap's crappy, bland sandwiches for once.

Within minutes, the tray was empty and Sapnap was watching me warily. I pushed the tray towards him, muttering a quick thanks under my breath. Sapnap took it and left the room. He returned after five or so minutes. He stayed stood in the doorway,
"Are you gonna let me help you now?" He asked, his eyes piercing through me. I shook my head, frowning. He huffed in annoyance, "Fine Karl. Fucking fine," He walked forwards and grabbed my roughly by the arm. He pulled me to muy feet.

"Let's go," He said harshly, dragging me out of my room. A fire of pain spread through my whole body as my injuries were strained with his force. I clamped my mouth shut however, refusing to show any signs of weakness. Sapnap pulled me over to my cell and flung the door open. He practically threw me inside and moved so he was standing above me.

"You wanna do this whole kidnapping thing the hard way? Fine, we'll do it the hard way. You aren't leaving this fucking room until your asshole friends pay us the money and respect that we want!" His voice reverberated around the room. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off. He glared at me before slamming the door shut, leaving me lying on the bloodstained concrete floor of my cell.

Just. Fucking. Fabulous.

Word count - 1093

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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