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Art by Sockpaws!
TW - mentions of death
CW - swearing


One Year Earlier
...A small figure was sitting in the ledge opposite, his back to me. The weak light of the sun peeking over the horizon cast an eerie glow across his small frame. I took a step forward and he tensed up when I spoke,

He turned around, pulling his mask over his face. It was his usual red mask over his eyes but there was a small microphone like device covering his mouth. His hand went to rest on his gun and he smiled evilly.
"We meet at last, Detective Taken," His voice was slightly distorted. I knew it wasn't his real voice, the microphone device on his mask was clearly messing with his voice, probably so I wouldn't recognise him if I ever met him by accident.

I stepped forward confidently, my shoulders back,
"I want my sister back, and I want to avenge Sapnap," I said sharply. NotFound laughed,
"Well the first one is a hard pass, and I have no idea who this Snapmap person is," He leaned casually against the wall. I grit my teeth angrily.
"Sapnap. His name was Sapnap," I spat, anger coursing through my veins, NotFound chuckled,
"My apologies darling," He smirked.

I hated him. He was worse in person. The pet names, the casual way he held himself, the powerful aura radiating off of him.
"Cut the shit, what will it take for you to return my sister?" I asked, stepping closer to him.
"That depends, sweetheart," NotFound smiled cruelly. I grabbed his chin and forced his face towards me, forcing him to look into my eyes.
"Depends on what?" I hissed angrily. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"I didn't know you were so rough, Detective," He breathed, his voice low and fruitful. I snatched my hand away at the obvious innuendo in his voice.
"Shut the fuck up," I told him.
"Come over here and make me, sweetheart," He grinned and pushed himself off the wall. He began walking towards the edge of the building.

I had a sudden idea. I stepped behind him and readied myself to run forward and push him over the edge.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, my dear, I have a button in my pocket and if I press it, your sister dies,"
Oh shit...

Present Day

Absolutely not.
There was no way in fucking hell that this was happening.

It all happened so quickly. I'd been sat eating breakfast on Monday morning. Things with George were better than ever. Over the two weeks since he'd moved in, we'd slipped into an easy, friendly relationship. He'd started opening up more and the more I got to know him, the more I liked him. As a friend of course. He was funny and sarcastic and witty but he was also sensitive although he tried to hide it.

That morning in particular, George had already left for work. He refused to let me know which restaurant he worked at, he said it was because he was embarrassed. I really didn't mind, I didn't want to pry in his life and scare him off. As I ate my breakfast, I stared at the few photos George had decided to hang on the wall, after I'd pressed him to make this house his too.

There were three photos, in the first one he stood next to a boy with jet black hair poking out from beneath a blue beanie, they were smiling brightly, their arms around each other, waving at the camera, they seemed to be wearing some sort of graduation outfits.

The second was a selfie of a group of people in halloween masks. They all had little arrows pointing to them with nicknames written there. My eyes scanned them, I assumed someone else had written them, judging by the names. I observed all the people. There were four adults and four teenagers in the photo.

A boy dressed as some famous killer was labelled 'Gogs' I knew that one was George. The three other adults were smiling brightly. One had an arm flung carelessly over George's shoulder, he was wearing a slightly burnt big bird costume and he was labelled as 'Fire boy'. The other two were leaning against each other, they looked like a couple. There was a black haired boy dressed as the joker 'Big Q' and a tall boy with fluffy brown hair who was dressed Batman 'Wilby'.

The group of teenagers stood slightly distanced from the adults. There was a boy dressed as a hotdog, 'Bee boy', a very tall boy dressed as a banana, 'Mr Boo', a boy with bright blond hair dressed as a British version of Captain America 'Big Man' and the only girl in the photo, she was dressed as a demon nun, a mask covering her face, she was labelled 'Sister Dickhead'. The group looked happy, I'd never seen George smile like that.

The final picture made me a little uneasy. It was George, he stood alone in a blue suit, he looked young, maybe sixteen. Someone's arm was wrapped around his shoulder and he seemed to be looking up into the other persons eyes. The photo looked so familiar to me and I didn't know why. When I'd asked George what the photo was, he said it was his first high school dance with his boyfriend. When I'd asked about his boyfriend, he'd gone very quiet and refused to look at me.

I pried my eyes away from the eerily familiar photo and looked back at my breakfast. I was almost done when the old fashioned phone on the kitchen counter started ringing. I froze. I'd never seen that phone ring before. George had installed it a few days ago, saying it was just for decoration. I eyed it warily. It looked cool, it was an old faded blue phone, one that you had to use the spinning thing to dial the number. It was covered in childish stickers that I'd put there too annoy George, I smiled at the memory.

I tentatively stood up and walked towards the ringing phone. I was worried, who could it be? George had told me the phone didn't work, that even he didn't know the number. Maybe they were looking for whoever owned the phone previously. I reached out a hand and picked up the phone. I shakily brought it to my ear.

"Hello?" I waited for someone to respond, the line was quiet. Then a distorted male voice came through the speakers.
"Detective Taken," I recognised the voice. NotFound.
"But... you... you're...," I said shakily. I heard a cruel laugh.
"Surprise, you didn't think I'd just disappear did you, my dear?" His voice was amused.
"How did you get the number for this phone,"
"I hear you have a new housemate... George Davidson,"

He hung up. I didn't know what to do. I put the phone down, in shock.

NotFound was back.

I needed to find George.

Word count - 1167

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

Hate you - DNF/KarlnapWhere stories live. Discover now