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Art by DeepFriedFury
TW - mentions of death, knives, guns
CW - swearing, fluff


There was someone visiting Sapnap and Quackity. From what I'd heard, his name was Wilbur. Wilbur had been here for around four days. And the whole time, he and Quackity had been having on and off arguments which I could hear from my cold, secluded cell. It was currently around lunch time. Quackity and Wilbur we're shouting at each other in the kitchen.

I was sat by myself, shivering beneath the thin blanket on my bed. It was the start of winter and it was beginning to get colder. It didn't help that the blanket that came with my cell was practically made of tissue paper. I curled up in a little ball, trying to sustain body heat. It wasn't working very well.

I heard Sapnap's voice arise in the conversation and then everyone went quiet. I waited in silence.

The door to my cell opened suddenly and Sapnap strode in, a huge blanket bundled up in his arms. He closed and locked the door so no one could barge in on us. He smiled warmly when he saw me, his previous stressed expression slipped away. I clambered t0 my feet and stumbled over to him, letting him wrap his arms around me. He wrapped the large blanket around my shoulders and held me closer.

"You alright?" He whispered, tangling his fingers in my hair. I nodded, leaning in closer to him,
"You sure?" He mumbled, raising his eyebrow,
"Well, I'm a little hungry and cold and lonely," I mumbled after a moment, Sapnap chuckled lightly,
"I knew it. Don't worry, I can fix all three of those," He grinned at me before guiding me towards the door and unlocking it.

I froze,
"What are you doing? Quackity is still here, he'll beat me up," I tried to tug my arm away from Sapnap.
"He's not, I made him and Wilbur go for a walk to sort out whatever the fuck they're arguing over," Sap smiled and I allowed him to lead me out of the room and towards his room.

He let me shower and get clean and then he let me raid his closet.
"Take anything you want, we're going out," He grinned, I smiled brightly at him.
"Like on a date?" I hardly dared to believe it. I'd been trapped in the apartment for around a month with an angry assassin and a slightly less angry assassin. I'd have thought leaving would be out of the question.
"Yeah on a date," He planted a chaste kiss on my lips before leaving the room so I could get changed.

Once I was dressed in a pair of black jeans, a black and white graphic t-shirt and Sapnap's pink hoodie, I left his bedroom. Sapnap was standing in the hallway, scrolling through his phone. He was wearing black jeans, a grey hoodie and a 'Balenciaga' cap. I smiled warmly at him and he returned it as he tucked his phone into his pocket.

He held out his arm to me,
"Shall we?" He tilted his head to the side. I bounded over to him,
"We shall," I looped my arm through his and we walked towards the front door. Sapnap unlocked it and for a first time in a month, I stepped out of the apartment. I couldn't keep the smile off of my face as Sapnap locked the front door and we headed in the direction of the elevator.

Even thought I now had every opportunity to escape, I didn't want to. I stayed beside Sapnap, talking nonstop. I was in a much better mood than I had been since I'd been kidnapped so I found it easier to engage in conversation with Sapnap. We talked as we walked out of the building and into the fresh air. I stopped and took a deep breath. I smiled.

"Thank you for bringing me outside," I said to Sapnap who beamed and nodded.
"If I'd known it'd make you less of a bitch, I would have found a way to get you outside sooner," He chuckled. I stuck my tongue out playfully and rolled my eyes.
"I thought we already established that you're the bitch here, buddy," I retorted. Sapnap just laughed. I was practically jumping up and down with excitement as we approached the town centre.

"Where do you want to eat?" Sapnap asked me as a few shops came into view. I shrugged,
"I don't mind, anything is better than you're disgusting cheese sandwiches," I replied. Sapnap scoffed,
"My cheese sandwiches aren't bad, buddy,"
"They are though, I would know, I've been eating them twice a day for a month," I raised an eyebrow at him and he caved.
"Fine then, Mr Cheese Sandwhich expert," He ruffled my hair with his free hand and I half heartedly swatted his hand away.

We took another step forward and something glinted in the alleyway we were passing. I paused to glance at the flashing light. I didn't realise I'd made a mistake until someone was grabbing Sapnap and I and dragging us into the alley. Sapnap's hold on me tightened.
"It's gonna be okay, they're probably just idiots trying to mug us," Sapnap hissed. I took a deep breath and nodded. I wasn't particularly scared, I could hold my own in a fight and I was currently with one of the best assassins in the world, these petty criminals had no chance.

At least, thats what I thought until the group of three emerged from the shadows, and my eyes adjusted to the dim light. I held back a gasp. Standing before Sapnap and I was Corpse, Tina and Sykkuno. Oh shit.
"Let go of them," Corpse said to the two people holding onto Sapnap and I. They walked over to join the group. Rae and Foolish.

Sapnap immediately pulled out his lighter and moved to stand infront of me.
"Corpse," He said through gritted teeth.
"Sapnap. We want Karl back," Corpse responded. He sounded bored, as if this was just another errand to run, it wasn't even an errand at the top of his list.

Sapnap laughed humourlessly,
"No fucking way," He slipped one hand into mine and squeezed it reassuringly. I felt torn. Sure, all I'd wanted since I'd been kidnapped was to go home and yeah my stupid cell fucking sucked but at the same time I didn't want to leave Sapnap. Sure, we argued a lot, but it was fun. He'd been so nice to me, he'd taken care of my injuries, he'd brought me outside today.

"Give him back now and no one has to get hurt," Rae said, pulling two knives out of their sheaths. Sapnap chuckled and flicked his lighter on.
"You aren't taking him, I'll die before I give him up," He moved again so he was blocking me fully. Corpse rolled his eyes,
"Fucking fine then," Corpse spat.

Then the sound of a bullet rang out and Sapnap's hand went limp in mine.

Word count - 1163

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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