1.7K 97 66

Art by Sockpaws!
TW - injury, fighting
CW - swearing, fluff


The apartment was deathly silent. We all sat in a circle, Quackity, George and I on the couch, Dream across from us beside Drista who had Tommy next to her. Ranboo and Tubbo sat on Dream's other side, silently playing a game of Rock Paper Scissors.

Dream was refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Drista, George and I all had very guilty expressions on our faces. George had just finished explaining the entire situation, with Drista and I filling in the gaps. No one had spoken in a solid ten minutes. The silence was moving from stunned to very awkward.

"Can I get drinks for anyone?" Quackity asked, standing up.
"Coke," Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Drista spoke in unison and then fell about laughing. Dream shook his head,
"Water," I muttered,
"Water, please," George said, his voice hoarse.

Quackity walked into the kitchen to get us all drinks. My phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and shared a worried glance with George, very few people had this number and it was never called unless something important had happened.
"I need to take this," I murmured before standing up and walking out of the room.

I stood in Karl's cell and accepted the call.
"Operative Pandas," It was Philza,
"Hello, Operative Crow," I greeted.
"We have news. We know who the remaining four members of the Cricket Crew are," Philza sounded serious and there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

"That's great sir, may I ask who they are?" I was bouncing on the balls of my feet with anticipation. Philza sighed.
"Yes. It seems my son and his friends have rebelled against us. The other four members of the cricket crew are currently in your apartment, Pandas," There was a moment of silence.
"Oh shit," I breathed.
"Oh shit indeed," He agreed.

"Well what should I do? Detective Taken is also here, we accidentally blew our cover," I said, cringing a little as Phil drew in a sharp, angry breath.
"How did this happen?" He asked, his voice annoyed.
"George, Drista and I went to the store and we sort of... er talked a bit loud... and said our operative names. We didn't know Dream would be there," I hung my head like a child who'd been caught stealing cookies.

Philza was quiet for a moment before he said,
"We'll have to deal with this later Pandas. The Cricket Crew are more important. You'll have to tie up the four of them. Blood God, Soot and I are on our way, we're just commandeering a private jet,"
"Okay, we'll keep them detained sir," I said. Philza hung up.

I walked out of the room. George and Quackity stood in the kitchen whilst Dream and the others were in the living room. I walked into the he kitchen and gave the other two a quick rundown of what was happening. They both exchanged worried glanced over at the group of four.
"I can't really blame them," Quackity muttered, "Tommy's family can be a little difficult," He looked bitter,

"Whatever you have against Wilbur doesn't matter right now Q, what matters is that these four are ruining their lives. The three of us know better than anyone what this lifestyle can do to a person, we can't let them get hurt," George whispered. I nodded and after a moment Quackity did too.
"Right then," He said, "Lets detain some teenagers,"

We walked into the living room as casually as we could. Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Drista were playing uno, Ranboo seemed to have brought his deck of cards. Dream watched them silently, he looked deep in thought. I cleared my throat.
"Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Drista, can you come with us for a moment?" I asked in the most polite voice I could muster. They all stood up.

We started walking towards the cell room. Tommy had already walked inside when Tubbo said,
"Guys, I think they're detaining us," He stepped away from me, "They know,"
I rolled my eyes and grabbed Tommy, pinning his hands behind his back,
"Of course we know," I laughed, "You four are part of the Cricket Crew,"

Then, many things happened all at once.
Tommy swung his elbow into my stomach causing me to yell in pain and let go of him.
Ranboo shouted, 'Run!'
Dream tried to grab Drista, clearly not wanting to lose her again.
Drista roundhouse kicked Dream.
There was a knock at the door.

The four teens sprinted towards the front door and swung it open. They barreled past whoever had just knocked, all of them yelling and laughing. I heard Ranboo, probably on the phone, shout,
"Bill! Track my phone and pick us up!"
"FUCK!" I yelled, running my hands through my hair.

George ran over to Dream who was groaning in pain on the ground,
"Dream, are you okay?" He asked gently, placing his hand on the blond's shoulder. Dream shoved him off,
"Get away from me," He spat, shuffling away from George who looked hurt.

I turned to Quackity,
"Can you call Phil, I'll see who's at the door," I turned to George, "Maybe go and stab something? It might make you feel better," George gave me a half smile but shook his head.
"I'm fine," He murmured. He didn't look it. I walked over to the door, hoping we hadn't just blown our cover in front of some random civilian.

My mouth fell open in shock when I saw who was standing there. He was covered in bruises and cuts and he was barely standing upright. He looked like he might have a broken rib and a bullet seemed to have grazed his arm because it was bleeding extensively. I was in shock. Despite his major injuries, he was here, his fluffy brown hair was the same and his beautiful eyes were alight with amusement at what he'd just witnessed.

"That was chaotic," Karl said. He gave me a crooked smile and I gently pulled him into my arms.
"Karl," I breathed his name, making sure I wasn't hallucinating. We pulled apart a little so I could see his face properly. He looked suddenly serious.

"They want a fight. They're coming," He breathed.
Then he fainted in my arms.

Word count - 1050

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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