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Dear readers,

My name is Grace Mansfield and I am so proud to share with you my seventh published novel, Catching Faith, a direct continuation to my previous novel, The Gift of a Coach.

Catching Faith is about 2020.

The book begins in a flashback and there are multiple mini- story flashbacks throughout the book. It starts in 2021 and tells the story of 2020, finishing again with 2021. I wrote it this way for a few reasons. I wanted that suspense, I wanted it to flow, but I also wanted you, my readers, to be able to not only read but relate. 2020 affected us all and in 2021 and now 2022, I'm sure we all will be met with more challenges.

This book is as special, if not more special, than The Gift of a Coach because now we can all relate to what Jake and Nick go through throughout this book.

In this book, Jake and Nick are in their second year as coaches of the Brennan baseball team. They are both high on joy coming off last season, especially Jake who is more than excited to begin again.

In this book, there are many moving parts. All I will say is that Nick has some family drama, you will see different perspectives, and it will hit you.

Hard. In a lot of places.

It definitely did when I was writing it.

This book and story has found a very special place in my heart and I hope you enjoy and fall madly in love with my characters once again.


G.E Mansfield

Author of the "Brennan Baseball" Series

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