Chapter Fourteen: Calamity

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Nick rushed into the doors and approached the man behind the desk.

"Hello, sir. How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for someone. He was driven here by ambulance; my fiancée called me to come."

"Sure. I can look for you. Who are you looking for?"

"The one who understands my mistake but knows I didn't do it intentionally."

"I... uh, wanted a name."

"I know," Nick said. "I just said, Jake Wolff."

The receptionist looked at Nick like he was oozing green fluid but turned to his computer and started to type in Jake's name.



Nick ran to her and hugged her harder than he had ever hugged her before.

"Mac, I screwed up. I screwed... I.."

"Shh, baby. It's okay. It's gonna be okay."

Nick wiped the tears from his face and leaned into Mac.

"I told them to bring in Royala," Mac said.

"Jack's here?"

"Jack's here. He's been waiting for you to tell me how Jake is."

"Then, what are we waiting for?"

Nick followed Mac to the elevator and they rode up to Jake's room. Nick rushed ahead of his fiancé when he saw Dr. Jack Royala.

"Dr. Royala!"

"Nick," he said, warmly embracing the young man.

Jack Royala had been Jake's doctor since he was 16 and since then, Nick and Jake were close and even friends with the man. Jack was only 29, two years than Jake and Nick, and one of the smartest people the two had ever met. And Mac knew how close Jack was with both of them so when Jake got settled, Mac knew she had to call him.

"Thank you so much for coming, Dr. Royala."

"Mackenzie, call me Jack. I think you've earned that courtesy."

Mackenzie smiled at him but then looked at Nick who had gone ahead into Jake's room.

"How is he, Jack?"

Royala looked at his tablet and looked at Mackenzie.

"Not good," Nick answered. "Right?"

"Yes. His oxygen levels are depleted. His chest x-ray is filled with infiltrates and his lungs seem weak. Very much so. The dry cough worries me though. I think Jake and all of you should be tested for COVID. Just looking over his symptoms: dry cough, fatigue, fever. And many others that seem too much to be just a coincidence. The diagnosis fits. I'll keep trying to find a DDX but I can't promise anything, guys"

Nick looked at Mac and sighed, shaking slightly.

"Man," Nick thought. "When I mess up, I really tilt the world."

It had been a week since Jake had been admitted to the hospital and he wasn't getting any better. Nick was beyond grateful for Dr. Royala, who was working around the clock to help Jake but Nick knew that with his long hours already, he needed rest. So when he showed up, looking haggard and exhausted, tablet in his hand and his dark curly hair messed up, Nick tried to get another doctor for the night, but Royala refused. Quite vehemently.

"Nick. You called me in. I'm gonna help any way I can," he said, smiling at Nick.

Nick looked back at Jake, lying in the bed. Two days ago, he was put on a ventilator when Nick noticed his lips turning blue. He still hadn't woken up either. Royala said he wasn't sure when he would. Jake looked deathly and his appearance made Nick cringe every time he laid eyes on his friend. He turned back to Royala, from his seat next to the bed, and gave him a hard look.

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