Chapter Nine: Status Quo, A.K.A, The Mess We're In

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Five months into the pandemic and everything seemed to be at least somewhat stable. The masks and testing people everywhere they went were going to stick around for a little while.

The world may have been stable for the moment but Jake Wolff and Nick Zami were definitely not.

Nick drank a sip of his coffee and set it back down in front of him, tracing the rim as he heard footsteps. He looked up and Mackenzie was leaning against the wall leading into the kitchen. She gave him a grim smile and Nick just stared into space. Mackenzie sat down next to him, her hands massaging his shoulders as he looked at the table.

"I should have been given an award for keeping my mouth shut when there is so much that needs to be said," Nick said.

It was a sarcastic remark, an original he had conjured up, but because he was so numb, it didn't have the biting tone his remarks usually did.

"My own parents can make me feel like crap sometimes and I don't think they realize it. I don't think they ever realized. And they probably never will."

"Nick. You don't mean that," Mac replied, incredulously.

"I do, Mackenzie. I really do," Nick said, his eyes hard as he stared at his fiancée. "They're the ones who burned the bridge but then turn around and ask why I don't visit. Or call. Or text. When in reality, they started the whole thing by keeping the fact that my sister was an addict and I had to find out in a bathroom on what was supposed to be the happiest day ever," Nick said, out of breath as he spoke the sentence all in one strand.

Mackenzie just let him lean his head on her shoulder as he breathed heavily, trying to stop the tears from coming. He didn't know why they were even coming in the first place. He still felt numb. Or angry. He wasn't sure. But he knew it wasn't happiness.

"Have you ever asked them why they kept it a secret?"

Mac's reply made Nick slowly lift his head and look at her.

Now it was his turn to be incredulous.

"Ask my parents why they kept my sister's addiction a secret? Have you met them?"

"It's a logical question, Nick. What do you have to lose to just ask?"

Nick looked at her, shaking his head. He grabbed his coat off the hook as he turned back to Mackenzie.

"Everything," he said, slamming the door.

Nick drove to Jake's house, his head throbbing with everything that had been going on. A good talk with Jake would help him, he knew it. He locked his car and jogged up the stairs, knocking on Jake's door. There was a sound of movement inside but no locks opening so Nick knocked again. Still nothing. Nick sighed, pulling his spare key out of his pocket. Jake had given it to him years ago when he went on vacation and Jake forgot to give him keys to the house to take care of his plants.


Jake Wolff has plants.

Long story.

Nick opened the door and shut it behind him.

"Jake! It's Nick! I just came by to uh... talk. I'm sorry. I'm really having a rough time and I'm sorry I didn't open up to you."

Nick walked into the foyer as Jake made his way down the stairs.

"Nick? What are you doing here?"

"Hey. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Safe of cou- are you okay? You look awful. Here. Come sit down," Nick said, guiding Jake into the hall and sat him down on a chair at the kitchen table.

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