Chapter Four: Lockdown

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March 10th, 2020.

"So, how does it feel?"

"I feel great. Glad it's over but I feel great. I love her, Jake."

Jake watched Nick glance over at Mackenzie dancing with Riley and a few other girlfriends of hers. After the proposal, Jake threw a party at his house as a surprise and everyone thought it was a great idea.

"I'm glad. I'm really excited for you two, Nick. You're the real deal," Jake said, taking a sip of his drink.

"Well, I appreciate it. Thanks. I'm gonna go find my girlfriend. Oh wait, she's my fiancée now," Nick corrected himself, laughing happily. Jake shook his head laughing at Nick as he made his way to the dance party area. Riley walked over to Jake.

"Hi," Jake said, kissing her.

"Hi, handsome," Riley replied. "How are you?"

"Good. Happy. So happy."

"Me too," Riley said, hugging him and laying her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you," Jake said, kissing her. Riley's phone rang and she reached into her jeans pocket to grab it.

"It's my brother. I'll be right back."

"Take your time. I'll go grab some more drinks."

Jake walked into the kitchen and winced internally when he saw who was standing there. He didn't acknowledge him right away and just walked and opened his freezer.

"Hello, Jake."

"Hi, Kyle. How are you?"

Kyle Tyler was Jake's eternal nemesis. He quit the SJU baseball team a year after Jake had joined. Well, rumor had it he got cut. And Jake was inclined to believe that, knowing how Kyle was. After Kyle left, got cut(whatever), Jake took his spot as starting pitcher.

And Kyle had hated Jake ever since.

So why was he here you ask? Kyle was one of Nick's oldest friends and Jake thought it appropriate to invite him. Jake did it for Nick. Jake knew he was gonna be at the wedding too. The two tried to be civil but there was only enough, "Your hair looks like Liam Payne's. In the worst way," jokes Jake could take.

"Alright. I see your hair hasn't changed in the slightest," he said, sarcastically. drinking his beer.

"Yes, I pride myself on it," Jake said as he grabbed the drinks and closed the freezer. "Keep your cool," he said, under his breath through gritted teeth as he walked to Nick.

"What's wrong?" Nick asked, seeing Jake's expression.

"Oh, nothing. Just the fact that Kyle Tyler is in my kitchen. Now that's a sight I will never get used to," Jake said, his jaw still tight.

"Oh, Jake, relax."

"Nick, the guy hates me and I hate him. There are only so many ha-"

"Jake," Riley said from behind him as Nick gave Jake a worried look, seeing Riley's face.  

"What's up, Ri-. What's wrong?"

"Can I talk to you about something?"

"How long have they been dating?"

"I think a month but honestly, I don't even know. I make it my priority to make sure I know as little about her as possible."

Jake hugged Riley and scooted closer to her on his front step. Shane, her brother, had called to talk to her about his girlfriend, Gianna Lopez. Apparently, they had met at a football game and it just happened.

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