Chapter Ten: Tough Love

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"It's so funny that most people who claim to be your friends want to see you miserable in secret!"

"What the hell are you rambling about, Nick! I hope you realize you're not even making sense anymore?"



It was hour two of a huge blow-up that whether you asked Jake or Nick, the one would say the other started it.

Two hours ago

Nick started the coffee pot, grabbing his mug out of the cabinet. When he turned around, Mac was leaning against the counter in jeans and a white sweater that brought out the green in her eyes. Nick jumped slightly.

"Hey, honey. What are you doing up so early?"

"Nick, it's almost 9 am. Not very early, baby," Mac said.

"Oh, well then. Guess I better get going."

"Where you headed?"

"Nowhere. But I wouldn't be able to say the same for you. You seem dressed up. Where you going?" Nick asked, sliding Mac a coffee cup. She thanked him, taking a sip.

"Riley and I are headed to the mall."

"Oh," Nick said.

"What?" Mac asked, noticing his hesitant look.

"Nothing. Just... you think it's safe?"

Mac set her cup down and came behind the counter, hugging Nick from behind. "I'm sure it's fine, honey. Riley and I are being careful. Speaking of her, how has Jake been? You guys haven't been around each other as much."

"Well, if you haven't noticed, Mackenzie, there is a pandemic happening," Nick said, distracting himself by drinking a sip of the coffee. He could still feel Mac's eyes on him though. He sighed as he put his cup down. "We're not... Exactly on the best of terms right now. Just keeping some distance between us is best."

Mac looked at him silently until she nodded, handing him her cup. "Okay. Well, maybe you should pay him a visit and get things all settled out. Don't look at me like that, Nick Zami. You should. It would be good for both of you, alright? I gotta go. Riley's here. I'll see you later, okay?"

Nick nodded silently as Mac kissed him and then shut the door, leaving Nick to his thoughts. Nick took a sip of his coffee and sighed.

Maybe Mac was right. Maybe he should visit Jake. If anything, maybe he felt the same way.

Jake got to the bottom of his staircase and gripped the handle, shakily. If anything, his cold had gotten worse. No matter how much he slept, he was so exhausted. His head pounded every time he moved and after yesterday, he was pretty sure it was in migraine territory. When he was away from his warm bed and cozy sheets, his body ached and his muscles protested every movement he made. His throat was hot and as dry as the desert. It didn't matter how much water he drank; the relief only lasted for a few minutes. His nose was either stuffy or running like a faucet, depending on if he was lying down or standing vertical. Before he came downstairs, he had checked his temperature and it was bordering 102.1, making him sweltering hot one minute then shivering cold the next.

So, yeah. He felt like crap.

He finally made it to the kitchen, panting slightly, bewildered as to how the movement from his bed, down the stairs, and the ten steps to his kitchen left him out of breath. He opened his cabinet and poured himself a glass of water. His hand shook as he set the glass down.

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