Chapter Twenty: Love is Patient, Love is Kind

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January 8th, 2021- The Wedding of Nicholas J. Zaminski & Mackenzie A. Froxin

Jake flipped Nick's tie and tightened it, fixing his black tuxedo jacket as he stepped back and admired his best friend.

"So?" Nick asked.

"You look great," Jake said, with a smile. "Oh wait, I almost forgot. I have something for you."

Jake turned around and gave Nick a box.

"I thought we agreed. No presents," Nick said, eyeing Jake and the wrapped box.

"Just open it," Jake said, smirking.

Nick did so and he handed the paper to Jake and opened the box. Nick looked up at Jake as he took out... a black ring.

The black ring.

Nick looked at Jake's hand and realized it wasn't on his finger.

"Jake, I... I... can't take this," Nick said, pushing the box back into Jake's hands.

"Yes, you can. I want you to have it, Nick. It's... the least I can do for you."

Nick looked at it and smiled, nodding. "Okay," he replied, simply.

"I'm so excited for you," Jake said as he hugged Nick.

"Mackenzie Anne... I'm floored. You look gorgeous!"

"Do I?" Mac asked, a smile flooding her face.

"Uh, no duh, girl! Look at you," Riley said, taking her friend's shoulders and turning her around so that she could see herself in the mirror.

Mac gasped when she turned around. Her dress was lacy and long-sleeved and they hung off her shoulders elegantly. It was flowy, yet tight, and it was perfect. The skirt had lace pieces all throughout it and it sparkled in the light. Mac's blonde hair was pulled off her face by a braid tied with a lacy clip. Riley had done her makeup and her eyelashes were as long as they had ever been. Riley placed the veil on her head and Mackenzie gasped again, trying not to cry.

"You look beautiful. Nick is gonna freak," Riley squealed, her chin on Mac's shoulder as they both gazed into the mirror.

"Me? What about you? Jake is gonna die," Mac said, smiling.

Riley smiled as she twirled in her flowy, long sleeve, emerald green dress.

"Both our boys are gonna love it," Riley giggled as she hugged her friend.

The Ceremony

Mac walked down the aisle, the bouquet of flowers in her hand as Nick gasped, Jake smiling wider than he ever had. He glanced at Riley across the way and smiled at her. There were sounds of surprise and exclamations all around the room as Mac stood in front of Nick, their hands together.

"Thank you for coming today, everyone," A priest who Mac and Nick knew very well, named Father Randy, began. "Today we are here to celebrate the union of Nick Zaminski and his woman, Mackenzie Froxin. Marriage is a gift from God, given to us so that we might experience the joys of unconditional love with a lifelong partner. God designed marriage to be an intimate relationship between a man and a woman. Let us begin."

Everyone sat as Riley walked up to the podium to do the reading. Jake couldn't take his eyes off her.    

And her not knowing what he was going to do today, made him smile and stare even more.

"A reading from 1 Corinthians: 13. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. The Word of the Lord."

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