Chapter One: So We Begin Again

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January 2020

It was still so cold yet... Jake Wolff had never felt warmer. It was the dead of winter and the bulky baseball jacket he had on wasn't the only source of his warmth. He was walking on clouds after the last week of his life. Second season at Brennan, a winning season under his belt. To say it off the record, he was a legend. But he didn't care how people saw him. And what he was doing this for.

Never the glory. Always for his father... and now? He had an ultimate goal: everything he did, decisions, wishes, passions, would better this team, his team. Every day.

Jake viewed himself differently now. He was ready to be the best coach he could ever be and make this season even more memorable than last year.

'Cause he knew these kids could use it.

He stepped out off his porch, calling hello to his neighbor, Mr. Jack Kellog, who was taking his daily morning walk in front of Jake's house. Jake was good friends with the older man and was often invited over for dinner and conversation. Jake often couldn't oblige because if he wasn't at home, he was at the baseball field. But when he was able to, he would happily take a seat in the Kellog home.

"Good morning, Mr. Kellog. How are you today, sir?" Jake said, making his way to meet the older man at the end of his driveway.

"Very well, thank you, Mr. Wolff," he said, in his shaky, warm, New York accent.

"How many times have I told you? You can call me Jake," Jake said, admonishing him in a gentle, compassionate tone.

"You know I always forget," Mr. Kellog said. "Where are you off to on this brisk morning?"

"Baseball practice. Well, a meeting. We had tryouts and now I have to go meet the kids and talk to them about the upcoming season," Jake explained to the older man.

"I thought you knew those kids very well already," Mr. Kellog asked.

"I do. Unfortunately, the meeting is mandatory. Trust me, I hate it even more than them but I have to do it," Jake said, smiling brightly.

"Well, I'll let you go now. I know you're a busy young man. I'll see you later," the man said as Jake gave him a handshake then walked down the sidewalk to his car.

"See you, Mr. Kellog!"

Jake climbed into his car and pulled out of his driveway, waving again to Mr. Kellog. Jake had lived in his house for as long as he could remember. He moved out of his old one, the one across from Nick, a while ago. Jake still visited occasionally but he liked his new one a lot. It was more modern and the little extra space was a big help.

Mr. Kellog had been living next to Jake ever since he moved in. And they had been friends ever since. Jake enjoyed his company when he couldn't get Nick's. Or Riley's. 

After a short ride, Jake arrived at the school. He parked his car and got out, smiling instantly when he saw the ball field in all its glory.

He was a pretty lucky guy.

He emptied his trunk and went back to the passenger seat to grab his clipboard and notebook as he heard a car pull in beside him. It was Nick's pickup truck. Jake slammed his car door and walked around to go greet him.

"Hey! I heard only coaches get that spot," Nick called to Jake.

"Hahaha. Very funny, Zami. How are you, man?" Jake asked, hugging him.

"Great. Been jumpy since this morning. I'm excited to get going."

"Me too," Jake said, grinning.

"Is Jim gonna be here today?" Nick asked, emptying his own trunk.

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