Chapter Three: When Diamonds Shine

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March 2020

The next month or so flew by and before Jake and Nick knew it, it was March and time to start gearing up for April games and the true start of the baseball season. The facility was up and running and the past month, the team had grown to like it as much as Jake and Nick did.

It was absolutely perfect.

Jake was in his office one morning in March, two days before the first outside practice and he was giddy with excitement. He could barely sit and answer those monotonous emails he had been meaning to get to. He was on his last one when there was a knock on his door.

"Come in. Hey, Nick! What's up? I thought you were with Mac today," Jake said, turning in his chair to look at his friend.

"Jake, I gotta show you something," Nick said, not even acknowledging Jake's greeting.

He walked into the office fully and closed the door, pulling something out of his pocket. Nick popped open the top and showed Jake the lustrous diamond ring. As Nick turned the box, Jake was enamored with how it shined. It was so prepossessing. 

"That's beautiful, Nick. What are you gonna- no," he said, stopping himself as he realized who the diamond was for. "No way! That's... You're gonna-," Jake was so excited he could barely get his words out.

"Propose to Mac like I've talked about for years, yeah. Yeah, I am," Nick said.

Jake hugged him and sighed. "I'm so happy for you two. She's gonna love it."

"Thanks, I'm happy for us too. Now, I need your help. I only got one shot to get this right."

Jake grinned as he got out a pencil and paper. "Engagement planner at your service, Nick Zami."

"Pick those feet up, Grogan! Not gonna tell ya twice," Jake said, blowing on his whistle and adjusting his Brennan coaches jacket. Dainn Grogan glared at him playfully and Jake smiled.

He was literally on top of the world right now. There was no place he'd rather be.

Working these kids hard made him ecstatic to get started as he thought about the championship in Atlantic City this year.

And how Brennan was gonna go.

And win the whole damn thing.

"You're energetic today," Nick said as Jake gave the kids a chance to get a drink. 

"I'm happy," Jake grinned, laughing. "How are you?"

"By me, you mean my sister?"

Jake didn't answer for a moment, just casually nodded.

"Eh. I'm alright. She's back now. With some friend. Tara was her name I think. She'll call me eventually I think but... I'm okay."

Jake smiled. "Good. I'm glad. Besides, you got a big day on Saturday. Engagement day," Jake sang as he gave Nick a soft punch in his arm.

"I'm so nervous, Jake," Nick laughed, softly. " I'm finally gonna do it."

"Yeah, you are. Why the cold feet?"

"No, no. I'm not doubting it. I just hope she says yes."

"I'd say yes to you, you handsome man," Jake snickered as he shoved Nick. "Come on, team. Let's go."

Nick looked at Jake shaking his head. " You little s-"

"Not in front of the children!" Jake tried to hold in his laugh but he couldn't.

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