Chapter Eleven

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After the reception wrapped up Dracula and Valerie went to their room and had their first night of passion as husband and wife.

Afterwards the couple was cuddling in bed, Dracula was sitting down with Valerie in his lap leaning against the headboard of the bed holding her hands.

"Are you ready my countess?" he asked squeezing her hands.

"I trust you, my count" Valerie said and turned to him and they kissed as if it was the last time they could, which it very well might be.

Valerie pulled back and faced forward with determination, she took a breath before nodding.

Dracula nodded as well and placed a kiss on her neck where he'd bite and teased it with his fang, then he bit in.

Valerie muttered an ouch, the bite itself wasn't so bad, kinda like a snake bite but this snake had venom, she seized gripping Dracula's hands firmly, her immune system kicked it off into high gear encountering the venom.

She started braking into a high fever and intense sweating but so far she was holding it together as more of her blood was drained and slowly replaced by the vampiric venom.

(A/N: fyi, i'm using venom as an analogy, it's not actually venom, more like whatever it is that turns a person to a vampire)

This was just as though on Dracula, her blood was so sweet and after having gone so long without actual human blood he found it difficult to resist draining her dry but he had to persevere and carefully.

If he drained too much too quickly he risked actually killing her so as much as he wanted to just drain her, he had to pace himself in order for the venom to replace her blood.

Valerie was fading in and out of consciousness, her ears were ringing and she felt more and more lethargic.

But she still had the brain power to think to herself that this didn't hurt as much as she had thought, it was more like bleeding out, not that she'd actually know what that was like from previous experience.

That said, though it might have felt longer it took just five minutes until Dracula had bleed Valerie dry, he withdrew his fangs and kissed the marks left behind and looked ar Valerie.

The ordeal had knocked her unconscious but she was still breathing, as shallow and nearly non existent those breaths were, her forehead was sweaty and had her hair stuck on it.

Dracula wiped the sweat off her brow and laid her down, he also laid down pressing his ear against her chest as her heartbeat the slow and steady tune of a vampire, he went to sleep smiling.


In the morning, or evening as it was in the case for vampires, Valerie sprang forward in the bed gasping for air like she had just reached the surface after nearly drowning.

As she gathered her breath she noticed Dracula wasn't there, he was probably already back to running the hotel, that's right, they had decided not to go on a honeymoon until after she was a vampire.

After gathering herself Valerie put a couple fingers to her neck, right where Dracula had bit her where the fang marks mysteriously remained, and felt for a pulse.

She still had one but it was slow and neigh undetectable, the heartbeat of a vampire, she grinned to herself, then ran her tongue over her teeth and felt fangs in place of her canines.

Valerie again grinned to herself, nearly bursting right then and there but first one more thing, well two but as it was dark out that other thing had to wait.

For now though she dashed to the mirror and looked, no reflection, and that was the one that did it.

What started off as a high pitched squeal, to which all the werewolves howled to, exploded with a triumphant "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!" Valerie exclaimed loud enough for the whole hotel to hear.

Dracula was first one the scene.

"Drac! Come look!" Valerie grinned revealing her sharp fangs as she dragged her husband over to the mirror "No reflections!" she exclaimed shaking him a little in excitement.

"YES!!" Dracula exclaimed himself fist pumping the air and grinning as he took Valerie, lifting her and spinning her around as they both laughed.


After some celebratory loving Dracula took Valerie up to the roof of the hotel.

"You'll catch me won't you, if this doesn't work?" Valerie asked.

"Of course, now just relax and feel the bat" Dracula said leading her to the edge of the roof.

Valerie took a deep breath and looked down at the far away ground, she heard a whisper in the back of her head telling her to jump, she felt her heart pounding in her chest.

She took another deep breath, closed her eyes and let herself fall off the roof, as she fell she tried not letting the panic of hitting the ground overtake her and instead chanted 'I am a bat' in her head even picturing herself as a bat.

Then with just four floors or so remaining in her drop a mystical greenish mist surrounded Valerie, then just like that she was a bat, her bat form was well like a bat, a bit smaller then Drac's but not smaller then Mavis's.

Valerie opened her glowing green eyes and chuckled to herself before furiously flapping her wings and catching herself before shooting way up high with a whoop.

She laughed flying high in the sky, it came to her easier then she had thought like it was natural, she did a few barrel rolls, aileron rolls, loop de loops etc. before Drac joined her also in bat form.

"This is awesome! I love flying!" Valerie cheered flying around, she could hardly keep still, she loved the feel of the wind.

Dracula chuckled a bit at her, grinning, getting caught up in her joy "This is nothing, i'll teach you all the tricks a vampire can do" he said flying around with her.

"Oh, i'd love that! I'll hold you to it but for now" Valerie trailed off smirking as she flew closer to him and leaned in, then she smirked "Tag, you're it!" she said hitting him with her wing before flying off.

"Oh i'm going to get you!" Dracula declared laughing as he chased after her.

Mavis having noticed her dad just disappeared heard the commotion and gasped seeing two bats "Holy rabies!" she said before turning to a bat herself and flying over.

She flew over to the strange bat hiding away in a tree "Valerie?" she asked in a whisper.

Valerie glanced back "Mavis!" she whisper yelled and grinned "Check me out, i'm a bat!" she said.

"I can see that, but what are you doing with my dad?" Mavis asked.

"We're just playing tag, i know we should be working the hotel but this is more fun, oh you should join!" Valerie suggested before she gasped "Dennis should too! We'll make it a family thing" she said.

Mavis blinked taken aback before shaking it off, thinking about it and "We totally should!" she enthusiastically agreed "I'm gonna get Dennis" she said before going to get Dennis.

Valerie flew over to Dracula intentionally revealing herself to inform him about the idea, Dracula loved it and soon they were joined by Mavis and Dennis and they spent the night away playing tag as bats.

With Johnny watching jealously from the ground.

(A/N: I'm debating on ending this here, i have a couple filler chapter ideas i could throw on this to make this one thirteen chapters long too but i'll warn you right now that those might take a while cause i tend to procrastinate more original stuff, a lot, it'll be up to you if you want them written out.

I'll give like the short prompt for the chapters i have written down, first it's Valerie's first birthday as a vampire and second a Christmassy-ish special)

(A/N: I've decided to jump ahead to the fourth one cause i'm really excited about the ideas i have for it, i might come back to this one later but for now i'm ending it here, i'll be adding a link once i've published the forth one)

(A/N: I've started on the fourth one, link in the external link also here)

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