Chapter 8: My Word Is Law

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Warnings: none, 


(y/n)'s POV

"Holy hell, someone finally did it!" I jump at Mantani's interjection. "I lost faith in the possibility, but it finally happened! Maybe (y/n) really is a god."

I start laughing, recovering from my surprise – I must have missed her entering the room during our game. With a scowl, Kanata starts to put away the chess pieces and the board.

"Aww, is someone having a rainy day?" Mantani teases, using her weather quirk to create a tiny raincloud above Kanata's head. 

She twirls her long orange hair around her finger. Kanata, who is holding the chess box, growls while forcing himself to move across the room to put the game away.

"Mantani, what have I said about using your quirk indoors?" I scold. "Last time you got into a quirk fight with Kanata you were both out of service for a whole week and I had to move house all by myself."

"Ugh, you never let me anything fun!" She whines, letting the cloud disappear. 

Kanata takes a deep breath returning to grab his jacket and drape it over his shoulders.

"You're lucky I managed to keep the chess set dry, otherwise I might have peeled the skin off of your flesh." 

Mantani shivers at his threat knowing that he is capable of doing so if it pleased him.

"Kanata," I interject, "She stopped messing with you, so cut it out."

"Or what? You don't have any puppets here to do your dirty work for you. Why don't you make me stop yourself, coward!" 

My hands start to tremble, so I wrap them around my stomach gripping my shirt tightly. I lower my gaze to the floor, frustrated at my own weakness.

He's right, and he always is. In these ten years I have used to grow and mature, I still haven't hurt anybody with my own hands. It's so stupidly pathetic. I am a coward. 

He rests one hand on my shoulder gingerly rubbing small circles with his thumb while the other tilts my head up slightly by the chin.

"I shouldn't have said that; it hurt your feelings," Kanata says with a tenderness I don't see often. "But that missing gumption is why you have me: to fill in the gaps and aid you through this darkness that surrounds you until we reach your dream of recreating the world in your image."

"Yeah, you're the only reason I made it this far," I force a chuckle before returning to my previous expression. 

The hand that had tilted my chin unravels one of my hands from around my waist and holds it directly between our gazes.

"We have made it this far though. That's an accomplishment for both of us, right?" 

I nod, knowing he would want a response. Removing my other hand, I hold his with only a light squeeze as if his hand were made of glass and would shatter if I held onto it too tightly.

"Smile for me?" I obey, leaving my worries on the ground and feeling at peace again.

"Ew, have you forgotten that I am only a meter away from you two? I get it, you're not dating. But could you indulge in your little intimate gestures when I'm not in the room? Its gross." 

Kanata's eyes return to their typical cold stare at Mantani's interruption – though they need to look up slightly to do so.

"What's the child doing in here anyways?" He sneers adjusting his gaze toward her.

"Hey, don't look down on me; I'm not the one under 180 cm. And I'm only six years younger than you two. It's not that much," she says crossing her arms, "And I came in to tell you two that the newbies are here."

"Why didn't you start with that!" Kanata panics.

"Cause I knew you'd freak out if I waited a little first," She smirks. 

Kanata storms out the door flicking Mantani's forehead on the way. I roll my eyes at their bickering before following him out the door.

We travel the length of several hallways until we reach the pair of doors that separate us from the newcomers. A closet placed beside them opens to reveal two green and white robes – which are nearly impossible to keep clean – and a hooded cloak with the same colors. Hurriedly throwing on one of the robes, Kanata takes a calming breath before entering a large, open room and to the edge of a slightly raised platform.

The doors close behind him allowing me to continue straightening the outfit I had put on before our chess game and clipping the cloak around my neck. Through the wall, his voice is muffled, but I know he's welcoming the newbies and prefacing my entrance. I pull the hood over my head as I wait for the signal.

A gunshot echoes through the building and after a solid three seconds, Kanata uses his quirk to open the doors and float me over to the edge of the platform. I look down to find four of our devoted followers whom we have selected for recruitment; a turtle dove lies dead on the ground before them. With slow, gentle steps down the stairs leading down to the ground floor, I kneel before the dove and hold it delicately within my hands, using my quirk. The group gasps when I catch Kanata's bullet that pops out of a newly healed wound. The dove perks up, shaking out its feathers and taking off; it circles around me twice before flying up toward a window. With a flick of my wrist in its direction, signaling Kanata behind me, the window opens allowing the turtle dove to fly out into the world.

When I turn my head back towards my followers, they collapse to their knees and bow their heads to me. I pull down my hood revealing my face to them asking them to rise and look at me. They obey without question. How nice!

"You four are my chosen disciples. Humanity has been driven astray, so I call upon you to rise to this higher purpose. The beginning of a new era is approaching, and you are instrumental to its arrival. I will not force you down this path. Are you willing to follow me into a brighter future?" I speak to them with a tone of kindness and regality.

"We will follow you into the future," they answer. 

Their eyes convey complete trust and loyalty to me, their god.

"I may appear in mortal form on this plane of existence, but you four will ascend into the next life to be welcomed with open arms. Your names, your work, your lives will be honored."

A world of my own creation will arrive. My hard work will be carried out and I will be praised for ridding this world of its disease and decay. I have power over life and death. They perceive me as their god. I am a god. And my word is law.


A/N: I love when a good god complex and a inferiority complex mix together. And although this complicated relationship between Kanata and (y/n) does exist, this is still a Shinso x Reader story. We'll get there, I promise. 

Word Count: 1203 

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