Chapter 22: The Number One Hero

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Warnings: suffocation, death, 


(y/n)'s POV

"Welcome to the end of your reign heroes! Every dynasty must crumble to dust to make room for the new, so say goodbye to this outdated world and embrace your future in my realm of equity!"

I gaze over the mass of undead as they rise to their feet while I rise into the air, lifting my arms out for that dramatic flair that Kanata has continually emphasized. It does make me feel more powerful though. It feels great, actually.

Now that the villains' powers have strengthened exponentially, one of them surrounds the entire field with a wall of fire and another transforms into a giant. The scattered heroes are fighting valiantly, but as more of them lose their quirks along with their energy, more of them need protection and fewer of them can fight.

I direct another villain with an air-related quirk over to me and drop a fully loaded quirk-destroying gun into their hands. I might be overusing my quirk a little, but the Revived can continue following a single direction without needing me to direct their every move, so I don't need to pay nearly as much attention as I did a few years ago – that doesn't take away from how exhausting it can get. As my ears collect the screaming and shouting below me like water to a sponge, I take a few deep breaths to keep myself from losing consciousness.

"Deku has left the agency. I repeat: Deku has left the agency."

He'll be here in a matter of seconds. My eyes scan the horizons for his familiar green glow, preparing for his attack. Then, I raise my gaze higher to see him hurtling directly toward me.


I obey Kanata's directions through the earpiece and make a motion we've practiced multiple times before that makes it appear like I'm jumping in midair. I flip backwards out of Deku's line of fire and land in front of the giant pile of rubble from the collapsed building entrance. In less than a moment Deku has landed, pushed off the ground, and is flying at me for the second time.

"Arm out."

When I stretch out my arm, Deku freezes in midair only a meter away from my face, my fingertips almost brushing his chest – a little too close for comfort. I take a step back and smirk at him, returning to my mask of confidence.

"Welcome to the party, hero. You are exactly the man I was waiting for," I say casually gazing into his eyes.

"Sorry to crash your festivities, but I won't allow you to continue this massacre," Deku declared as he gradually moves his shoulders and arms, fighting against Kanata's quirk. Holy crap; it's no wonder why he's the number one hero.

"Act unfazed; shut him up."

I close my still-outstretched hand, letting all my fingers touch, and Deku freezes again. This time, however, his mouth is forced shut and his face contorts in pain.

"I didn't allow you to speak in my presence. Did I?" I move slightly closer and enunciate each syllable. "What makes you think you can even compare yourself to me: a god? The god of the afterlife, no less."

"Would you like to visit?"

"You know, it's rather peaceful on the other side. Would you like to visit?" I repeat Kanata's words – how dramatic.

"Make your hand into a fist."

I follow his direction and watch as Deku's eyes grow wide on a reddening face. After several moments, his body starts convulsing – though it's still very restrained. Ah, that's what's happening. Kanata's suffocating him. I make sure not to change my expression, but my stomach churns at the sight.


"God, shut up!" I hear Kanata growl through the earpiece.

As Kanata's concentration is messed up, Deku's face and breathing return to normal, and a look of relief crosses his expression. I don't turn my head, but that voice sounds so familiar.



A/N: I apologize for going on hiatus for a bit. I'm not dead, surprisingly. 

This one was a bit shorter, I admit, but I've got more coming. And though I failed to kill off Deku in this chapter, there is still death yet to come. 

Word Count: 697

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