Chapter 26: What Has She Done?

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Warnings: none,


Shinso's POV


"Good morning. Am I speaking with Shinso Hitoshi?"

"Yes, that's me."

"I am calling to inform you of the condition of one of our prisoners: (l/n) (y/n), or as you might know her, the villain Yomigami."

It has been five weeks since (y/n) was captured, since I last saw her. The entire country has been shaken by the loss of multiple heroes and the complete annihilation of the Hero Commission. Although smaller villains and organizations have been using this destabilization to their advantage, the collective efforts of the police, the government, and the remaining heroes have managed to suppress their activity; however, that doesn't take away the fact that the heroes have no official overseer anymore.

Due to the circumstances, I have been released from my period of suspension to help re-establish structure and peace in Japan. Kaminari and I have been working extra hours together and pretty much crashing every night the moment we get back to the apartment, so the bags under my eyes have returned to the state they were in back in UA. With all this work and stress, I haven't had the time to visit her, nor would my mind allow me to think about her for too long - as if it was holding a baseless grudge.

"What about her?" I ask after a moment to consider the possible causes for this.

"(l/n) was put into isolation."

"Ugh, god. What did she do?" I groan pinching the bridge of my nose while I pace around my living room.

"Actually, she has done absolutely nothing. And that's part of the issue. Her fellow inmates were picking fights with her daily, but she didn't make any move to stop them. It got to the point where their attacks nearly killed her, which is when she was put into isolation for her own safety."

"When was this?"

"Just over four weeks ago."

"Then why are you telling me now?"

"It didn't concern you at the time."

"But it concerns me now?"

"Yes. When (l/n) was placed in isolation, our resident physician helped her heal physically before she started sessions with our psychologist. After a few sessions, she asked for the investigators who worked on her case, and during her meeting - in the presence of a lie-detecting quirk - she confessed her guilt and everything else she knew.

"(l/n) gave the police a profuse amount of information regarding their quirk-destroying poison, the existence and location of many villain organizations, the black market, underground trading, names, codes, everything. Then, she asked for her very own quirk-destroying poison to be used on herself."

I'm sorry, what?

It takes my brain several moments to process all this information; I need to sit down on the couch. She asked for it. Why would she ask for it? They wouldn't allow her to do that, right?

"And?" I hesitantly ask.

"And, after another two and a half weeks, a new, temporary Board was created to take over the jobs of the Hero Commission. They decided to grant her request."

"You said earlier that this concerns me. How am I involved in this?"

"News of (l/n)'s confession leaked to the organizations that (l/n) had exposed, and they have begun sending persons to 'dispose' of her. We want to avoid a fully-fledged attack on the prison, which might allow other convicts to escape. This along with other factors - (l/n)'s confession, her non-violent behaviors, being quirkless - led to the Board deciding to allow her to live in a secure location outside the prison under constant supervision."

"And I am to be her supervisor?" I sigh.

"That would be correct."

"Can I get an explanation as to why?"

"We figured it would be better for her to be supervised by someone familiar to her, or at least try to first. Her immediate family has not been in contact with her and has given no comments on the situation, nor would they be qualified for something like this. You, however, even though it was only once directly after her capture, you are the only person outside of the investigation team to have visited (l/n) - and to have been mentioned by her at all.

"You are currently her best option. Would you be willing to fill in this position?"

"Where would we be? What would I be doing?" I ask while running my unoccupied hand through my hair.

"The Board has arranged a house in the suburbs of your city for you both - I'll give you the address if you accept - fixed with cameras in every room and fortified entrances. Food, household necessities, and fresh clothing for (l/n) will be provided. Your job would be to watch over her, protect her from any external attacks, and keep her alive. As long as word about her location isn't leaked, you won't have to do much.

"Do you accept this position?"


A/N: I'm sure you already know the answer to that one, but that'll have to wait for the next chapter. At least this experience will give these two another chance to talk. Right?

Word Count: 846

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