Chapter 21: Check, Heroes

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Warnings: violence, lots of death, foul language,


Kanata's POV

"On my mark.




I fire simultaneously with #1 and hit my target perfectly. As planned, the attention of the room has turned to the louder gunshot from #1 who now stands beside the dead body of the Head of the Hero Commission. Behind them all lies the collapsed body of Ingenium.

Using my quirk, I raise the Hero above the ground the moment after I fire, so when #1 uses his quirk to fold the floor in and around each hero and commission member, Ingenium is no longer in the quirk's area of effect. Now, the heroes are encased in solid mixture of vinyl and concrete up to their shoulder while the members of the hero commission have sunk completely into the floor. They'll be dead in seconds.

I lift Ingenium's body up to our open glass panel so (y/n) can use her quirk on him. When he awakens, I turn him upright allowing him to hold out his arms under (y/n)'s influence and carry her in his arms.

"Your chariot awaits," I snicker as (y/n) adjusts herself in Ingeniums arms.

A hesitant laugh escapes her lips, but the confliction is evident in her expression.

"Too soon?"

"Nah," she says offering me a smile instead, "It's whatever."

(y/n) pulls the quirk-destroying gun from its holster on her thigh and slides the first few discs from its neighboring pouch into the gun's magazine. Each disc is barely a centimeter in width, but it carries enough of the red serum inside to destroy any quirk permanently while simultaneously acting as a sedative. It only requires a few milliseconds on a target's skin for the serum to be injected entirely. Holding the weapon in front of her to signal to me that she's ready, I lower them both to the ground.

"Hey! Have you forgotten what skincare is? 'Cause your face makes you look like a burnt chicken nugget!"

I could hear someone say that below me, and it must have been directed at #1 because he has a giant burn that covers most of his face. I mean, they're not wrong, but I struggle to keep my laughter contained regardless.

"Which one of you wimpy, privileged di-."

#1 stops in the middle of his sentence. Once (y/n) and her ride reach the ground, I look around at the crowd in confusion. #1 is frozen still.

"What's happening down there," I growl into my earpiece, but I receive no response.

"Release us," the same voice as before commands. Then, the heroes slowly rise up through the floor.

"Absolutely not," I breathe as I rush to ready the second bullet I had loaded into my rifle, aim, and fire it into #1's skull. It's not clean, but it worked. The Commission members lie dead halfway into the ground and the heroes are still knee deep in the ground. It won't take long for them to free themselves.

"(y/n), execute plan B. Get to #1 and use your quirk on him before moving to attack the heroes," I snap through the earpiece. She moves as directed, using Ingenium's engine quirk to speed to the other side of the room in a heartbeat.

While she uses her quirk and disables multiple hero's quirks with the gun, I scan through the crowd searching for the person that screwed up my plans. Voice-activated hypnosis: there is only one hero with that quirk that I know of, and they're not supposed to be here tonight. How is that damn purple-haired bastard still alive?

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