Chapter 10: Your Savior Is Here!

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Warnings: descriptions of a corpse, 


Shinso's POV

Most workers should have left for the day, or at least evacuated at the sight of a villain, so there shouldn't have been many people in the building, but Aizawa was. I stand in shock for a moment before rushing over, careful of the scattered debris. Sirens from a search and rescue team grow louder behind me, though I don't turn my head. I walk around the site, not wanting to shift anything destabilized, as the team arrives to clear building pieces from the front.

As the realization of Aizawa's probable death sinks into my own collapsing chest, I notice the end of a capture weapon through one of the broken side windows. Signaling the rescue team, I trek very carefully through the window and across what little is left of the ground floor, following the scarf. It leads into part of the ceiling that collapsed, so I can't move any further. 

My voice fails at first when I try to call for him.

"Err- Eraserhead?" I speak above a normal volume, but my words are still shaky.

"I'm alive, it'll be okay," he calls, as relief floods my bones. "Spotted a solid wood desk that held up pretty well, but I'm still trapped."

With the assistance of multiple rescue personnel, some even working from above, we manage to open enough of a passage for Aizawa to crawl through. When he emerges, I notice that his injuries are limited to scratches, cuts, and bruises, which is incredibly lucky. He doesn't need to be rushed to the hospital, so he gets patched up on-site while I stand nearby sorting through everything that had just occurred.

I almost lost him, but that isn't the worst of it. It happened just like last time. My partner gets hurt while I walk away completely unharmed, and all while our adversary dies. It couldn't have been helped – I know that – but I still feel so useless in comparison.

"My cuts have been bandaged up, so I'm good to go. How are you dealing with this?" Aizawa says from behind me. 

I turn and punch him in the arm.

"Ow." He says stoically.

"Don't do that!" He responds with a look that says, 'do what?'

"Don't scare me like that. And definitely don't come to me after nearly dying and ask how I'm doing. I'm not the one to focus on. I'm not the one who got hurt. So care about your own well-being for five minutes, please." 

He stares at me with his typical expressionless stare.

"I apologize for upsetting you. It's a habit. Maybe it's the hero life, or maybe the many years of teaching kids, but I've grown strong enough to act as a support for others before tending to myself. I'll refrain for now," he responds. 

With a slight pout, I look to the ground. Aizawa's hand rests on my shoulder.

As I stare intently at the concrete below, I notice how it is over come by a wave of shadow. I find menacing clouds expanding above me. That's strange; today, the skies have been entirely clear. 

A voice from the rescue team sounds through a nearby walkie-talkie. It says that they found the villain's body, dead and impaled through the stomach.

A lightning bolt strikes the ground starting a fire on the building wreckage. The rescue personnel move back waiting for a member with water, but before they can do anything, a hole opens in the clouds. The light shines down upon a piece of the wreckage where I see the villain's body, debris rising from below and through their lower back to leave their body hanging lifelessly on display.

Then, a figure falls through the hole in the sky slowing down until it lands gently on the ground behind the villain's body. Aizawa and I both rush closer to the scene. 

The figure wears a white cloak with a green interior. When they remove their hood to look at the body before them, I see that their face is covered with a mask – it's a mix between mechanical and otherworldly. This must be the one behind the attacks. The so-called Yomigami?

They remove a glove from their hand and trace just above the villain's form until they reach the head. A single touch to the forehead and the body begins to rise upward until the impaling object is finally separated from the villain's body. Just like before, the blood scattered on the ground crawls up their form and soon the hole through their stomach is filled. When their skin is fully healed, their eyes shoot open in surprise.

After a moment to collect themselves, the fire surrounding them disappears as it seeps into his skin. The beam of sunshine from above turns to pitch black, engulfing them before they fade back into view with their skin suppressing a glow. Another bolt of lightning strikes and is also absorbed. 

Energy: their quirk takes in and sends out different forms of energy – and they're gathering ammo.

"It won't work," I whisper when I notice Aizawa pulling up his goggles. "After they're dead, quirks like ours won't affect them at all. Physical attacks only."

"Who are you?!" I hear one of the rescue personnel shout. 

The white and green figure simply tilts their head at the question.

"Have you truly not listened?" The voice is scrambled, so identifying them is hopeless. 

The silence from the rescue team acts as an answer to the figure; the team can protect themselves, but they aren't trained for this. They need to get out. I hear the figure release a horrid chuckle as I return my focus to them.

"Who am I? I. Am. God."


A/N: He's not dead. You're welcome. Anyways, I'm personally excited because I get to be dramatic and theatrical with good reason that pertains to the actual story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 

Word Count: 997

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