Chapter 3: A Not So Civil Dinner Party

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Klaus' home. Mystic Falls. Evening. 

I stood in front of the full length mirror in Elijah's room, dealing with putting on a dress for the evening's casual dinner with Damon and Stefan. I heard a knock and turned. 

'Oh, lucky you, 'Lij. Can you zip me up?' 

'Sure,' he said, stepping forwards, and zipping up the back of my dress. When he finished, I smoothed it out, admiring it in the mirror. It was a flowy, sleeveless, yellow dress with green swirly accents. Elijah kissed my bare shoulder, then my neck. I leaned back, letting him sniff my neck lightly. 'You smell good,' he remarked, almost growling out the words. 

'Try and hold the overwhelming feelings of love and physical affection tonight, please?' I asked him. 

'Yes, I know,' he ground out, none too pleased. I turned to face him, giving him a kiss, then frowned when I saw the look in his eyes. 

'You're giving me the look, 'Lijah. You're planning something. What is it?' 

'You might just have to trust me.' He went to kiss me again, but I stopped him. 

'No. What is it?' 

'It's Niklaus. I don't trust him anymore. And the way he's trusted Kol and Finn... and Rebekah too - I have to do something.' I nodded.

'You want to undagger them?' The look in his eyes confirmed it. I gave him a kiss on his cheek, then pulled back. 

'Just try and be mostly civil for tonight, please. Although you're probably right. I guess it's mostly Nik we should be worried about.' He kissed my lips again. 

'I'll do my very best, Lilliana.' 

'I know you will,' I replied, and he gave me a kiss again. 

Moments later... 

Elijah opened the door to see Stefan and Damon standing there. 

'Niklaus, our guests have arrived,' Elijah called. The two younger vampires stepped into the room, coming into the dining area. 

'Damon, Stefan. Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilised men, shall we?' 

'It's better to indulge him,' Elijah said, stepping around the Salvatores to the table, as Klaus gave them a smile.

'I didn't come here to eat, Klaus,' Stefan said, stepping down towards Klaus. 'In fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to, 'cause you would hear us out.' The Original hybrid walked towards the five-seater table, a compelled human female pulling out a chair for him. He sat. 

'Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides,' he replied threateningly. 'Choice is yours.' 

'There's five seats,' Damon noted. 'Who's the other guest?' Elijah smiled softly. 

'She'll be along in a moment. She's running later than usual.' 

The four of them sat at the dinner table. A compelled human poured Damon some wine. 

'Thank you, love,' he said as she walked away. Just then Lilliana walked in, another of the women pulling out her seat for her as she sat next to Elijah, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. The two Salvatores took in her appearance. 

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