Chapter 14: Ugly Secrets Unveiled

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Stefan looked around him as he stood in the park, then pulled out his phone and called someone. 

'Katerina,' Elijah said through the phone. 

'Hello. Elijah?' 

'Where is Katherine?' the Original asked, low and threatening. 

'Where's Elena?' 

'Safe. How long she remains so depends on you.' 

'Well, I guess the same goes for Katherine,' Stefan replied. Elijah let out a small chuckle over the line. 

'Katherine can take care of herself against the two of you.' 

'Oh. You mean the three of us?' Stefan replied. 'Cause your little sister decided to join Team Good Guys for the time being. Oh, and your girlfriend's in town. Lilliana, you may remember her? She's super pissed you cheated on her.' 

'Put her on the phone,' Elijah said sharply. 

'Oh, she's not here right now. I left her with Damon and Katherine.' 

'Tell me where they are.' 

'Relax. No one's going to get hurt as long as Katherine hands over the cure.' 

'Do you understand how much my sister despises Katherine? I assure you, Rebekah will end her the moment she ceases to be of use.' 

'Well, just tell me where you are, and we can talk this through.' 

'You listen to me very carefully, Stefan,' Elijah replied calmly, yet dangerously. 'If anything whatsoever happens to Katherine, I will descend upon Elena.' The Original hung up the phone, turning to Elena, who was leaning against the wall. 

'You're both idiots,' she said, turning around and walking down the length of the small tunnel illuminated by the daytime. 

'Excuse me?' he asked sharply. 

'Ugh. What happened to you, Elijah? I mean, I thought you were supposed to be a man of honor. And yet, you've been cheating on your girlfriend and hooking up with Katherine this entire time?' He didn't turn as he replied, 

'Well, I suppose this man of honor always shared a connection with Katherine.' He let out a breath. 'She contacted me when she learned about the cure. We thought we could be of mutual use to one another.' 

' "Of mutual use"?' Elena asked, letting out a scoff. 'Please. You fell for her trap just like every one of those other idiots.' He turned around to meet her eyes. 

'You underestimate me, Elena. I know who she is. I know what she's done.' 

'And you think she's changed?' she asked, her eyebrows raising. 'She's playing you. She lied to you, Elijah.' 

'She didn't lie to me about your transformation,' the Original replied, walking up to her, closer. 'You're not just a vampire, though? Are you? There's something else. You're... you're not yourself.' He frowned. 'You've abandoned your emotions... why?' 

'My brother's dead,' she said flatly. 'Your rebound girlfriend killed him.' Elijah paused, looking down. 'You didn't know? Of course you didn't.' 

'She lied,' he said quietly. 

'I hate to say I told you so, but... duh!' 

Hours later... 

Elena laid on the ground, temporarily dead, her neck snapped. Elijah was kneeling next to her. The culprit, aka. Katherine Pierce, was about to turn and leave. 

'Oh, come on,' she said mockingly. 'She could use a nap. It must be exhausting trying to be me.' She tried to leave, but without turning around, Elijah spoke. 

'You killed Jeremy Gilbert.' The female vampire turned around. 

'Yes, Elijah. I killed Jeremy Gilbert. A bombshell, I'm sure she just couldn't wait to drop on you. Ironic, since she supposedly doesn't care about anything.' 

'I care.' He stood, turning to face her. 'Do you honestly feel nothing for this girl, a girl fated to live the same life that you've endured? And now you've just taken away the last of her family, just as yours was taken away from you.' 

'Why are you looking at me like I enjoyed it?' she asked as he walked past her. 'Jeremy was collateral damage. I was doing what I needed to do to survive.' He spun around. 

'Is that what I am, too?' he asked sharply. 'A means of survival?' 

'Don't let sweet, little Elena get to you. She hates me. She wants you to turn against me and convince you that I can't be trusted.' 

'I asked you a question.' 

'No. Of course you're not a means of survival. You looked out for me when I had no one. You're giving me a second chance when no one else will.' She stepped up, touching his cheek gently. 'I love you, Elijah.' He moved away, slightly from her touch. 'You don't believe me.' He met her eyes. 

'I want to. It's my disease. I just keep wanting to believe you, but how can I when at every turn, you give me reason to doubt you? I don't know you. I don't know that I ever will.' He turned to leave, but she ran up to him and grabbed his arm. 

'Wait!' He looked down at her arm, then back up at her eyes coldly. 'You gave me your word that you would talk to Klaus. I... I can't make a deal without you.' 

'Goodbye, Katherine,' he replied softly, turning around and leaving the tunnel, walking away from her. 

He entered the small apartment. Suddenly, a light was turned on and he spun around to see me sitting in the chair, staring at him. 

'Lilliana. I didn't expect you here.' 

'Nor did I, Elijah. Until I heard that the baby vamp brothers were looking for the cure, and for little miss priss Katherine, or Katerina as you like to call her. So I followed them, and who should I find but little miss priss herself - and she sat in front of me and bragged that she was sleeping with you. You can guess how livid I am. You cheated on me, Elijah. So, I'm going to give you one good reason why I shouldn't break up with you.' I crossed over to the small desk and poured myself a glass of bourbon, turning around, watching him carefully. 

'You love me, Lilliana. And I love you. Remember? Always and -' 

'Don't finish that sentence, Elijah,' I said, walking up to him, running my hand up his chest, letting out a dark chuckle. 'Always and forever didn't include other women. You told me so. That I was yours. Yours and yours alone. And I reciprocated that. I don't appreciate lies, and you know that.' 

'I was tying up loose ends.' I scoffed. 

'Loose ends? Please. Spare me the gaslighting. This, all this,' I said, gesturing all around me, as if it could encompass what had happened in the past few weeks, 'was a secret little rendezvous with your ex girlfriend, and you just couldn't help yourself. You had to dive back in to the little delicious enigma that was Katerina Petrova. You just couldn't stop yourself. Elena was right. You are an idiot. And I was a fool to love a man who is still in love with his various ex girlfriends. I'm sorry. You don't get a second chance. We're done.' I turned, to walk away, but he grabbed my arm, pulled me back to him, and forcefully kissed me. My vamp fangs came out, and I bit his lip at the end of the kiss sharply, making him wince. Then I stepped back and slapped him across the face. '100 years, Elijah!' I screamed, tears at the brink of my eyes. 'Does that mean nothing to you?!' 

'It means everything to me, Lilliana.' 

'It meant everything to me, too. But I guess not anymore.' I turned to leave again, but he grabbed my hand, making me turn to look at him, a tear falling down my cheek. I yanked my hand out of his grip. 

'Please, tell me how I can make this right.' I stormed over to the desk, pulling out a piece of paper from the little notepad and scrawling something on it, then slammed it, hard, against his chest. 

'Meet me tomorrow in the little diner across from the gazebo in the park at 10am sharp, not a moment before, or a moment later. Then we'll talk.' I walked out of the room, the apartment door slamming behind me.

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