Chapter 2: Brothers' Quarrel

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Elijah stepped forwards, towards his brother Niklaus, cleaning his hands of the blood from ripping out the hybrid's chest. 

'You look surprised to see me. So it wasn't you who removed the dagger from my chest?' the Original asked his brother. 

'You look like you could do with a drink,' Klaus replied. 'And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?' Elijah sped forward, punching Klaus, sending him through a door. He rolled backwards, landing in a crouch. 'Easy! I just finished renovating!' He sped towards Elijah and slammed him into a table, breaking it just like the door had been broken. Then he stood. 'You know, you have every right to be mad at me. But I kept my word; I reunited you with our family.' Elijah went for him again, punching him once, then twice, then three times. Klaus slammed against one of the coffins and bolted over to open another one, pulling a dagger out of the body of their youngest brother, Kol. He pinned Elijah to a coffin, pointing the dagger at his heart. 'Don't make me do this to you again, Elijah!' 

'Come on,' the Original taunted. 'Use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with.' 

'Mikael is dead,' the hybrid remarked, lowering his weapon, letting Elijah go. 

'What did you say?' Elijah replied, standing up to face Niklaus. 

'I killed him. With his own weapon. He's gone, Elijah. Forever.' 

'Why do our family remain in these coffins? Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century.' 

'Because of Stefan Salvatore. He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them. There are things that you do not know about our past, Elijah. Our mother's death. Things I never wanted you to know, but I'm ready to tell you now. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty that you once swore to me.' He went over to a small table, dipping the dagger in some white oak ash, then came over to Kol's coffin. 

'What are you doing?' Elijah asked. Klaus, without a word, slipped the dagger back into his brother's chest, then turned to his older brother. 

'Always and forever. I need you to stand by my side. Be my brother. Help me destroy Stefan and I promise you our family will be whole again.' He closed the coffin. 

'Where is Lilliana?' Elijah asked, without replying to his brother. Niklaus was about to reply, but just then there was a loud shout that most definitely belonged to a female voice. 

'Niklaus!' I walked into the room, seeing Elijah standing there, next to Niklaus. 'So it's true,' I said. 

'My darling Lilliana,' Elijah said, and I walked into the room, over the broken glass, then vamp sped towards him, smashing my lips against his. When I disengaged, I slapped him. Hard. He looked at me in shock. 'What was that for?' 

'For letting a bunch of teenagers and two baby vampires kill you. Twice. And for not seeing that Niklaus would most likely kill you. But - for all that... I am glad you are back. I missed you. I've grown quite close with Nik over the past few weeks that you've been gone.' His jaw clenched as he looked at Klaus. 'Not what you think, Elijah. He's been an - okay friend. You are, always and forever, my first and only love, 'Lijah.' I kissed his cheek, angling it towards me, and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. 

A day or so later. Outside of Mystic Falls. 

Damon Salvatore walked through a meadow with tall grass, on the phone with Elena back in Mystic Falls. 

'So you're the prime suspect, huh?' Damon asked as he picked his way through the tall grass. 

'She doesn't think that I did it,' Elena replied. 'She's just trying to find out why somebody used one of my family weapons to kill a council member.' 

'Well, why don't you just ask Ric if his dirty little doctor had access to the weapons?' Damon replied snarkily. 

'You're on speaker phone, dick,' Alaric shot back over the line. 

'I'm just saying, first suspect's usually the right one. Don't get so defensive.' 

'Brian Walters was killed days ago, right?' Alaric asked over the phone. 'I didn't show Meredith this stuff until last night.' 

'It wasn't Meredith,' Elena replied. 

'But Brian Walters was her ex-boyfriend and Ric saw them fighting that night,' Damon said. 

'It's not Meredith, okay?!' Elena exclaimed. 'I refuse to believe that your luck with women is that tragic.' 

'Who else knows about your little secret slayer stash?' Damon asked. 

'Who doesn't? Got weapons everywhere, here, the school, my loft, your car.' 

'It's Klaus. It has to be, he's screwing with us.' 

'What if it was Stefan?' Elena asked. 'He was crazy that night, and you know he was trying to get underneath Klaus' skin, he was capable of pretty much anything.' 

'Ahh, makes me nostalgic for the time that Stefan was a bunny snacking pacifist,' Damon replied, with a hint of sarcasm. 'Anyway, got to go; you'll know more later.' He looked up to see two familiar faces in front of him. 

'Hey, where are you?' Alaric asked him over the phone. 

'Tea, with two old friends.' He signed off the call, coming face to face with Elijah and Lilliana. The Original had lost the middle part hairdo, and was now sporting shorter hair and wearing a suit. 'Elijah. My favorite Original. And Lilliana. My favorite baby vamp. Back from the dead. You clean up nice.' 

'You left something, in my jacket pocket,' Elijah replied, in a nonplussed manner, pulling out a folded note from the inside of his jacket. 

'Oh, yeah. "Dear Elijah, let's get together, plot the destruction of your brother. XOXO". Was I right to undagger you, or are we gonna have a problem?' 

'I'm here. Let's talk.' 

'I'll start with an easy question. Any idea what kind of Klaus-killing could be magically sealed in a mystery coffin?' 

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