Chapter 5: A Potentially Magical Evening

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The Gilbert home. Mystic Falls. A couple days later... 

'It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin,' Elena said, cleaning one of the marble counters while Stefan, Damon and Lilliana looked on. 

'As in the Original Witch?' Stefan asked, standing near her, tossing a ball between his hands. 

'What?' Damon asked. 'How is she even alive? I thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago.' 

'His name is Niklaus,' I said. 

'You're one to talk,' Stefan said, scoffing. 'Weren't you the one basically kissing Elijah's ass all night? Oh right, of course you were. You're basically his fuck buddy.' I rolled my eyes. 

'I'm his girlfriend. And more than that, he's the one that turned me. He saved my life.' 

'Are you serious right now?' Damon asked, glaring at me. 'So what, you two have some freaky sire bond?' 

'No, we don't. Well, partially yes, but I was his girlfriend long before I became a vampire. I don't see you exactly respecting your girlfriend, Damon Salvatore. So check your actions first before you judge the men I sleep with. And Elijah, for the record, is the only man I've ever been with. And that's the way it's gonna be - forever.' 

'Okay, can we get back to the conversation at present?' Stefan said. I rolled my eyes again and glared sharply at Damon, then waited for Elena to reply. 

'So, as I was saying, I don't know. About Esther. I'm guessing she has a couple connections in the witching community. Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus.' 

'She was supposed to be the weapon to help us kill Klaus,' Stefan replied in clear confusion. 

'Yeah, well, not anymore. At least, according to Elijah.' 

'That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds,' Stefan said. 

'Anyone else feeling a little used right now?' Damon asked, then turned to me. 'Of course, not you. You're basically always sucking up to them.' I stood up abruptly, nearly ready to fight Damon. 

'If you say anything like that one more time, I'll rip your tongue out and shove it up your ass.' I shook my head in disbelief and sat down. 

'Look,' Elena began to say, 'Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us. I believe him.' Just then, the doorbell rang. She went to the door, and opened it, looking out. No one was there. She looked down to see an envelope on the ground with her name on it in ornate, curly lettering. Picking it up, she shut the front door. 

'What is it?' Stefan asked. She opened it and pulled out the card. 

'It's an invitation. "Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails and celebration".' 

'Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?' Stefan asked. 

'The Original family,' I said, coming up to them, wearing my jacket, as it was a little chilly outside. 'This reminds me. I've got to be over there to get ready for tonight.' I waved to them. 'Toodles, Salvatore brothers, little miss Gilbert.' I vamp sped over to my motorbike, jumped on, and started up the engine, speeding off into the distance, towards the Mikaelson home. 

'It's bad enough they're moving into town,' Damon scoffed when I'd finally left. 'Now they want a housewarming gift?' Elena flipped the card over to see a note on the back in the same curly writing. 

'Wait. There's a note on the back,' she remarked. ' "Elena, I think it's time we finally meet. Esther".' 

At the Mikaelson family home... 

Kol Mikaelson, the youngest brother, stood looking at himself in the mirror as Elijah and Finn stood to the side getting measurements taken for their suits and trying on dress shoes, and Rebekah was getting her nails painted with Lilliana. 

'Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am,' Kol said, fixing his tie. 

'Oh, Kol, you know I can't be compelled,' she replied with a smile, looking over her pretty nails. Kol turned to me. 

'Lilliana?' he asked. I frowned. 

'Uh... I still think Elijah is hotter,' I said, casting my eyes over to my boyfriend. He laughed. 

'You're cruel, woman,' Kol said, but it was in jest. 

'It's what I do best. Nah, just kidding. I'm sure the ladies will have a hard time keeping their paws off of you with your Original charm and suave moves.' He laughed, Finn smiling as well. Just then the door opened and Klaus stormed into the room, visibly angry. 

'You went after Elena?' he snapped at Rebekah. 'What is wrong with you?' Rebekah looked up at him innocently, not having a modicum of remorse. While I cared for the doppelganger, I saw why she deserved Rebekah going after her. She hurt Rebekah, and I didn't like that one bit. 

'Here we go,' Rebekah replied in exasperation.

'I can't say she didn't deserve it, Nik. Regardless of what Elijah said to defend her. She stabbed my friend in the back and called it self defense. That's not cool.' He glared at me with a side-eye, but said nothing in return, seemingly not wanting to arouse Elijah's ire. He turned back to Rebekah. 

'Do you want another dagger in your heart?' he snarled. 

'Again with the dagger threats,' Kol groaned. 'Don't you have any other tricks?' The hybrid turned to the youngest Mikaelson and scoffed. 

'Go back to staring at yourself.' 

'And who are you, my father?' 

'No, Kol. But you're in my house.' 

'Then perhaps we should go outside,' the youngest brother taunted. They would have come to blows had it not been for Esther Mikaelson walking into the room. 

'Enough! Niklaus... come.' He walked away, sneering at Kol, the youngest Original smirking. Klaus followed his mother into another room. 

'Rebekah wasn't even out of her box a day before she tried to ruin my life,' Klaus said angrily. 'What happened to peace, acceptance... family?' 

'You put daggers in their hearts,' Esther chided softly. 'You want them to go down on their knees and kiss your feet for reunting them.' 

'So it's a crime to want our family to be as they were?' 

'You need to give it time, Niklaus. I've had a thousand years on the Other Side to be angry and to heal. I'm here to make sure this family does the same.' 

'I don't understand,' Klaus replied in confusion. 'I killed you, and still you forgive me.' Esther stepped forward. 

'It's been my dream for a thousand years that this family could be as one. Forgiveness is not a chore. It's a gift. Now, who are you bringing to the ball this evening?' Klaus smiled, ducking his head down, then it faded just as quickly as it came. 

'Don't be ridiculous. You're lucky I'm even going.' Esther smiled. 

'Well, I wish you would reconsider. It's going to be a magical evening.' 

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