Chapter 15: The Diner

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The next morning... 

I sat in the diner, watching, waiting. I checked my watch for perhaps the millionth time, counting down the minutes until 10am. Just as the watch hit 10am, the doors opened, and a very familiar suited Original slipped through the door. He scanned the room, and his eyes landed on my table. Walking over, he took a seat across from me. 

'Hot cup of black coffee for you. I thought it would be easier to talk over a cup of coffee.' I took a sip of mine, and he sipped his. 'I put a bit of blood in it for you too.' Placing my cup down, I leaned back. 'Okay. I want your side of the story. Everything. Every little detail. Don't lie to me.' He met my eyes. 

'Shortly after we parted ways, and you went back to Mystic Falls, Katherine contacted me about the cure. She'd learned of its existence and - had possession of it. I offered to make a deal with Klaus for her, to trade the cure for her freedom.' 

'Right, because he's ridden with paranoia. He thinks any moment, someone will shove the cure down his throat and kill him with a stake. A lot happened while you were gone. There's this guy who can kinda shapeshift, his name's Silas. We don't know his true face. All he wants is the cure. We don't know why. Where's the sex and lust in all this? I need to know, Elijah. I need to know where along the way you thought it was okay for you to cheat on me.' 

'I still feel for her, Lilliana. I don't know why. I don't know how I do, but I do feel for her. And she feels for me too.' 

'Please, everything she says is a lie. That's the problem with you men. That's something that both you, Klaus and the Salvatores have in common. You fall for the Petrovas every damn time and call it love. And then you try and cover over their sins like its no big deal. When will you guys wake up, and get a life of your own?' There was silence. Then I broke it again. 'Do you love her now?' He shook his head, and reached across the table to grasp my hand. 

'No. Not anymore. I care about her. She had a hard life, but that shouldn't justify her actions. I love you, Lilliana. I really do.' I blinked. 

'I love you too, Elijah.' 

'I made a mistake. I realise that. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm going back to Mystic Falls with Rebekah to see Klaus about the cure.' He stood and began to leave. 

'Elijah, please,' I called out. 'Wait.' He turned back as I got out of my seat, placing a couple dollar bills on the table. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the diner bathrooms, pushed him up against the wall, and kissed him passionately. After a good few seconds, I pulled away. 'I love you so much, Elijah. I'm sorry I bit you. And slapped you.' 

'It's alright, Lilliana. I deserved it. But I promise you, I won't ever do something like this again. You're too precious to me to avoid losing you.' He touched my cheek, leaned in and kissed me again. 'I love you.' 

We got into the car, where Rebekah was waiting in the passenger seat. 

'You two finally kissed and made up, Lilly?' Rebekah called out. I got into the backseat, letting out a chuckle. 

'Yes, we did, Bex,' I replied sweetly. She grasped my hand and let out a soft smile. 

'Good. You're basically my sister now, Lil.' She turned back to Elijah. 'Don't ever let this one go. She's a keeper.' Elijah laughed as he put the car in drive and we headed on our way back to Mystic Falls to meet up with Klaus once again. 

Sorry this was such a short chapter, but that's a wrap on Vampire Diaries!! 

I'm going on a mini hiatus from doing The Originals fanfictions to continue my Arrow Season 5 fanfiction, and maybe, hopefully, I might even get started on my Game of Thrones Season 1 fanfiction. 

Hope to see you all in the next few books!!!

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