Chapter 13: He's In Big Trouble

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A few moments later... 

Katherine, Elena and Rebekah sat in a diner, the three of them staring at each other. 

'Where's the cure?' Elena asked sharply. 

'What, no "I'm here to avenge my annoying little brother" speech?' Katherine mocked. 

'People die. We move on,' Elena said, calmly taking a sip of her coffee. Katherine looked at her visceral reaction in confusion, then her lips upturned in a smile. 

'After turning off our humanity switch,' she replied, pleased. 'So sad for the boys, though. Their special snowflake of human frailty... Gone. Well, if we're gonna be a while, I'm gonna go grab some menus.' Katherine turned to get out of the booth, but suddenly, Rebekah picked up a fork and stabbed Katherine's hand, pinning her to the table. She let out a hiss of pain, forced to sit back down.

'You're not going anywhere,' the Original hissed, Katherine turning to her. 

'I forgot how charming you were,' Katherine replied with sarcasm. 

'I'm surprised you remember me at all, seeing as though you were so busy wedging yourself between my brothers.' Just then a waitress walked up, her face growing in panic as she saw the fork in Katherine's hand. 

'Oh my God! What happened?' she gasped aloud. Elena kicked Katherine under the table sharply. Sending a glare to the baby vampire, she replied to the waitress under compulsion. 

'I'm fine, Jolene. You didn't see anything.' The waitress nodded and walked away. Elena leaned across the table, still glaring at Katherine. 

'Every minute you two waste with your yapping is another minute we give Stefan and Damon to find us,' Elena spoke sharply. Rebekah grabbed Katherine's face, attempting to compel her. 

'Where is the cure?' she asked sharply. 

'I'm sorry,' she said, fake pouting. 'I'm on vervain.' Rebekah scoffed, letting the vampire's face go. 

'Oh, I get to torture it out of you. Fun.' 

'Why do you two want it anyway?' Katherine asked. 

'The question is,' Rebekah asked, leaning over to the vampire, 'why do you want it? Let me guess. To kill Niklaus.' 

'I've spent the last 500 years running from your big brother. I have no intention of being within sniffing distance of him. But since it can be used against him, I'm sure he's just itching to get his hands on it. I give him the cure, he gives me my freedom.' 

'Ohh, you poor victim,' Elena snapped. 'Where's the part where you screw us over and somebody dies?' Katherine leaned back in the booth. 

'I have no reason to screw you over. I know you don't believe me, but it is the truth. People change. I'm not the girl you think I am.' Rebekah smiled, then vamp sped over to her, practically jumping on her as she fished Katherine's phone out of her pocket, then tossed it to Elena. 'I don't have it on me,' Katherine whined. 

'I didn't think you did,' Rebekah snapped, 'but I'm sure there's something in there that can help us find it.' Elena looked at the phone. 

'Who's Em?' Elena asked. 

'A friend,' Katherine replied simply. 

'It says here you're meeting at 2:00. I guess I'll just have to meet Em myself.' Elena looked over to the Original across from her, who simply smiled. 

Some time later... 

Stefan and Damon sat down in the booth across from Katherine and Rebekah, as well as Lilliana. 

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