Chapter three

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Upon arriving at my apartment I collapsed straight onto the sofa, thinking things over in my head. What did Gerard want with me? I was a weird looking, unknown photographer who wore too much eyeliner. But he was a super model with looks so striking it made my heart stutter every time I saw him. I was a nobody but he was defiantly a somebody. Needing a way of escape, I decided I needed to get out of the apartment. I didn't bother to get my keys as I thought a walk would do me some good. I left for my front door and once outside in the hallway I turned around and locked it. When I turned to face the stairs again someone ran straight into me. "Oh god! I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going. You uh, you don't happen to live on this floor do you?" I heard the voice before I saw the person. I looked up to see a tall, thin man about my age with glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. I smiled softly at him and nodded.

"I-it's fine don't worry about it. Yeah I do live here." I muttered while glancing at my feet. Despite the way I act when I'm doing my job I'm really shy in front of new people. I hated this attribute about myself and it made me generally an awkward person to be around. I glanced back up at him and noticed a small grin on his face.

"That's great! I just moved in down the hall from here. I'm Mikey. If you don't have any uh, plans now want to come over for a coffee? " He said while glancing at my jacket. I smiled nervously at him and nodded my head.

"I'm Frank."  I said, looking up and smiling.

He smiled brightly at me and started walking down the hallway. I took this as my que to follow him and shuffled closely behind him. He stalked to the end of the hallway and opened the door to the apartment wide enough to let me through. I whispered a small thank you and walked inside. The decor of the place was lacking due to the fact he had only just moved in. There were boxes shoved into one corner of what appeared to be the living room, as the apartment was open plan I could see most rooms. I stood awkwardly in the small hallway and waited for him to make the first move. He glanced at me and smiled softly before walking into the kitchen. "So, what will it be? Tea or coffee?" He said with his back turned to me, filling up the kettle.

"C-coffee please." I stuttered and stumbled on my words as I perched on one of the high stools around the kitchen island. I looked out the window and examined the rooftops of the other houses, being on the top floor does have its advantages. From above, the world looked haze like and peaceful, stress free, this was not obviously the case for many, many people who walked the earth. Stress was a natural emotion and came to us all easily, I for one did experience stress on a daily basis but from up here, where no one could touch us, I felt free almost. It was hard to explain when you are only in someones apartment. I was dragged back down to earth by the sound of Mikey pouring the boiling water into the mugs. Soon after the coffee was ready and placed in front of me, I smiled up at him in appreciation and he nodded his head back at me.

"So Frank, tell me something about yourself. Anything at all." His kind eyes were fixed on me while I racked my brain for something to say. I could see myself becoming good friends with Mikey, I hadn't a clue why. I guess you could call it a gut feeling.

"Well I play guitar and I'm a photographer, what about you?" I kept my eyes trained on him, watching his movements. His eyes flickered up to meet mine and he gave a small, caring smile.

"That's cool! Have you met any fit models yet? I'm an office worker, I know not very exciting." But the thing was, it was exciting. To me anyway. Here was possibly a new friend, who had invited me in and lived a normal life! I'd never seen the inside of an office let alone worked in one and I for one was excited to hear the mundane stories he may tell. To me this was all too exciting and I smiled brightly at him. He smiled back a little confused but never the less it was still a smile.

"Yes there have been so many! You have no idea." And that's how my afternoon went. I stayed talking to Mikey till around five and then I left to go back to my apartment. Once I had locked the door I made my way to the bathroom. My nerves for tonight had started to set in and I was on edge. I stripped myself and jumped into the shower. Showers had always been my thing. I hated feeling dirty, in anyway, and showers gave me time to think, to reflect on everything. So for about twenty minutes I just stayed in the shower before finally getting out and wrapping a towel around my waist. I strolled over to my wardrobe and selected an outfit that consisted of a plain black v-neck t shirt and black skinnys with a black hoodie to put on when it got cold. I pulled on the outfit and went to the bathroom and re-applied my eyeliner. At around six I left my apartment and decided to go for a drive around town before meeting Gerard. I climbed into my car and turned on the engine, I peeled out of my space and drove out of the parking lot. For a little while I just drove, letting the lights that whizzed by numb my brain. Then I saw a small music store just off a side road that had caught my eye while I was waiting for the light to turn green. I instantly turned down the road and parked in front of the store. I eased out of the car and made my way up to the door of the shop. I didn't know what had caught my eye about this shop in particular with it's dark brick it didn't really stand out down the shadowed side road. I pulled open the door and heard the soft ding of a bell over head signalling someone was in the store. I shuffled down the isles until I reached the death metal and post hard-core section.

"Wow, what an emo." A voice sounded from behind me and I practically jumped out of my skin. I whirled around to see large, blonde girl wearing mainly pink and white stood around five feet from me. "And he wears eyeliner too!" She cackled while resting one hand on her hip. Now let me tell you, I was not one for conflict, never have been and never will be but seeing this girl who looked to be a year or two younger than me make fun of me was not nice. I didn't say anything though and just watched her, a glare forming in my eyes. "Looks like he's mute as well, what a faggot." I already hated her. I was never one to judge someone from first impressions but this girl seemed to be a bitch and nothing but a bitch. What was a girl like her doing here anyways?

"Sorry love, we don't allow that kind of language here, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I turned to my side to see Mikey stood there, towering over her. He sent me a small, amused look before turning back to her and saying she had to get out before he called the police. She left soon after that needless to say.

"Thanks Mikey, what are you doing here? Do you work here part time or something?" I smiled up at him, grateful that he stood up for me. Most people would of joined in, I wouldn't of held it against him if he had.

"Nah I don't work here but she doesn't need to know that. I love this shop, I come here all the time." Maybe that was why I felt drawn here because my new friend, if I could call him that, would be here. I smiled up at him, not a fake smile or a small, hardly noticeable one but a large grin that spread across my face and reached my eyes. He smiled brightly back at me and laughed slightly. "What are you doing here anyways, I don't think I've seen you here before." He said while walking over to the back of the shop where there were some small, plush chairs. He sat down on one of them and crossed his legs, he patted the seat next to him signalling for me to sit next to him. I perched on the blue chair next to him while keeping half an eye on the clock. It was now seven thirty and I really needed to be on my way to the studio.

"Oh I just saw it and decided to come in. Look, I'm really sorry Mikey but I have to go, I'm meeting someone at eight and its a little drive away. Thank you for helping me back there." He nodded his head in understanding and stood up.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later then? And don't mention it, she deserved to be kicked out anyway." I nodded my head at his question and gave him one last smile before I quickly scurried out of the shop. I unlocked my car and got in. The studio was about a twenty minute drive from here but it looked like I would make it on time. I drove through the city with the only sound being the low hum of my car and the occasional honking of a car horn. I pulled up at the studio parking lot with five minutes to spare and just sat in my seat staring straight ahead at the sleek black car that had just pulled up into the space in front of me. I could just make out Gerards face as he smirked at me and proceeded to get out of his car. I sat there a moment longer before finally deciding to get out. I did not know if this was going to be a good idea or a bad one but I prayed it was the former.

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