Chapter fourteen

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We were sat at the bar, me and Gerard, after ordering some drinks awaiting the arrival of his parents when I felt his hand clutch mine. I looked over to him with a questioning look on my face. "Is something the matter?" He looked paler than usual and his leg was bobbing up and down in a repetitive manner. He shook his head slightly before swallowing.

"Frank, would you like to be my boyfriend?" He said those words in a confident voice yet I could see the guarded look on his face.

"Yes, yes yes!" I squeezed his hand so hard I'm surprised it didn't crack under the strength. He beamed at me and leant forwarding, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I looked over Gerard's shoulder and saw two people making their way towards where we were seated. I nodded my head in their general direction and Gerard turned around to look. Once seeing them he got to his feet to greet them. I followed suit.

"Ma!" He exclaimed and kissed the blonde haired lady on the cheek. She appeared to be in her sixties, maybe a little older or younger. "Hey dad." He said, shaking the mans hand.

"Hello son." Voiced the man who I took to be Donald, Gerard's dad.

"Ma, Dad, this is Frank. My boyfriend." He said proudly while slinging his arm over my shoulder. I blushed slightly at the title he addressed me with and held my hand out for Donald to shake.

"I'm Donna, Gerard's mum you probably know that though." She laughed lightly. She seemed like a nice woman. "It's nice to meet you Frank. I must say, Gerard has very good taste in his men." She added as a side comment, giving me a small wink and a laugh. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I smiled gratefully at her.

"It's great to meet you both." I say as I make eye contact with each of them in turn. Gerard smiles at his parents before the waiter came to guide us to our table which was by the window, towards the back of the restaurant. I sat in the corner of the room, looking out on the restaurant with Gerard on my right and Donald to my left. Talk of work, travel and general catch up soon filled the air and I was included in the conversation, being asked about my job and what it entails and so on. After some minutes we had ordered our food and I sat back in my chair while talking to Donald about my family and childhood. Both of Gerard's parents seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say which boosted my confidence greatly. Moments later, the waiter arrived to take our order and we went around the table in a clockwise manner until we had all spoken of what we wished to have.

Before I even realised it, the evening was up and Gerard was paying the bill which he offered kindly to pay for me, as well as his family. We all rose from the table once it was payed, and walked towards the door. "Well I must say, it's been a pleasure meeting you Frank." Donald said, while shaking my hand.

"Yes, you both must come out and stay at our home for the weekend soon!" Exclaimed Donna.

"Of course Ma, that would be wonderful wouldn't it Frank?" Gerard said and turned to smile at me. I nodded my head and smiled broadly. I hugged Donna and after one more farewell from each of us, we were on our way back to Gerard's home. "You'll stay the night won't you?" Gerard asked while driving.

"Of course I will. I had an amazing time tonight, your parents are wonderful. I don't think it could of gone better really, there was no reason for me to be nervous was there?" I say as I reach for his hand across the gear box. He smiled and looked at me briefly before shifting his eyes back to the road.

"I told you that they'd love you and I was right wasn't I? I honestly don't think I could be happier, I have the most amazing boyfriend in the entire world which my parents also love. I have no idea why on earth you are with me Frank Iero but I'm bloody pleased you are." He laughed lightly before giving my hand a squeeze. The rest of the ride was spent in comfortable silence until we arrived at his house. Before I could get out he swiftly leaned over and kissed my cheek and then got out of the car. I followed his actions and unbuckled and stepped out of the car, I heard him lock the car behind me and I followed him up into his house. "It's weird to think that this is the first night you'll be staying over as my official boyfriend." He said as we both walked into the kitchen. "Feel free to just get whatever you want at anytime by the way." He followed up before reaching up into the cabinet to get a glass.

"Hey Gee? Does the rest of the world know you're gay? Like where do we go from here? I don't want to rush into anything obviously, I'm not desperate to be seen on your arm in public or anything like that but I just want to know what you think about the situation." I spoke as he handed me a glass of water. He nodded before thinking over what I had said.

"Well, I think that we should keep quiet at first I mean it's no good rushing into anything like you said." I listened intently as he said this while sipping my water. "But, I think that we should you know, come out publicly soon. Lets just start with friends and family first though."

"Yeah you're right. It scares me a little to think about it though, I don't want to be a burden to you." I said and placed my water back on the kitchen island.

"No! You could never be a burden to me Frankie." He voiced as he walked towards me. He placed one hand on my cheek and leant in, kissing my lips softly but in a passionate way.

"Oh and for the record, I'm the man in this relationship."

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