My brother,
How have you fallen from grace?
Radiant brother, great and powerful,
Even I, with endless void within,
Knows that your Mission,
While great,
While admirable,
While noble,
Is naught but a dream.
Unattainable.My brother,
How do you continue to fight?
To flail underneath our Father, Omnipotent?
This charade, makes me pity you-
And yet you hold yourself-
With the same pristine dictum.
My brother,
Is this punishment naught?
Do you crave more, crave worse?
Are the fires of hell not hot enough,
To pull you from your pride?Forgive me, my brother,
Bright and radiant.
But, your pride,
It frightens me.
Birds in Glass Castles
PoetryMy collection of poems through the last few years in some of their rawest forms; more steppingstones of my journey as a writer.