Chapter 4 Special exam Duo preparations intro

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Ayanokouji P.O.V

Chabashira-sensei has just finished explaining the rules for this examination.

I am sure that Nagamo is involved in this test.

And he'll do whatever it takes to beat me, so I have to be prepared.

As for how I will get to Class A, I will leave that part to Arisu.

I'm sure she'll come up with something, but for now, let's concentrate on Nagamo and the students in the white room.

While I was thinking about my plan, someone approached my seat.
It was Horikita, of course.

Since I didn't want to help this time, I decided to go to my room.

I got up from my seat and started to go to my room.

But then I saw someone who was on her way to Class A.

So I decided to go there before she had a chance to do anything.

I called out to her.


"Ayanokouji-senpai, what are you doing here?"

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"Ayanokouji-senpai, what are you doing here?"

"That's my question"

I had pretty much figured out why she came here today.

Seeing my surroundings, I spoke up.

"Has that student in the white room found out my plan?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Because even if he found out, he won't be able to defeat me.

I am sure that the white room students want to target Arisu in order to prevent me from transferring to their class.

"Ayanokouji-senpai, can we continue our conversation in your room?"

"Don't mind."

I have to keep her away from here as much as possible.

We walked side by side until we reached my room.

I opened the door and invited her in.

"Looks like Ayanokouji-senpai wasn't too worried about it"

I know what she meant because if I bring her here and we talk, then Arisu will be left without protection.

Even if she is the Queen of Class A, everyone will still try to protect her, but they will be wrong.

Because no matter how much protection you get, it won't be enough to defeat a white room student.

A white room student can only be defeated by another white room student.

Of course, Kouenji is a special exception.

He might be the only one who can defeat a white-room student without being a white-room student

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He might be the only one who can defeat a white-room student without being a white-room student.

So I know why she is asking this question.

"Because I already dealt with that problem."

"Means you took some precautions before it even happens, awesome Ayanokouji-senpai no wonder I admire you so much."

"Putting those matters aside, who will you choose as a partner for this exam,
If Ayanokouji-senpai doesn't mind then I will gladly be your partner."

If I hadn't decided on my partner then maybe I would have just gone for her.

"I already selected someone to partner up with me."

"too bad I wanted to be your partner hmph..."

By looking at her I can say she is disappointed.

"Maybe next time ichika."

After saying that I took my phone and called a certain person.

She picked up.

"Ayanokouji-kun you care about me that much huh

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"Ayanokouji-kun you care about me that much huh..."

"You know I am doing it for my benefit."

"Yeah, but still it feels good to mess with you."

"So is everything under control there."

"About that yeah, thanks to your early warning that the white room student is I am now his target, that's why I am communicating Mashima-Sensei just as you said to me to do."

Looks like the white room student will not try to attack when there is a Sensei near.

That gave me enough information for me to know, with this I will make the white room student reveal himself.

Then I can have a confrontation with him, looking forward to it.

"I will come later to take you from there."

"Fufufu... You're treating me like a child you know, I can handle myself when that happens, of course, if it comes to a combat of physical then maybe I need Ayanokouji-kun's help."

"Yeah, that's what I am referring to."

I know Arisu can handle her problems but this is different since it requires physical strength which she is in handicap.

"So I coming in about 30 minutes"

"Can't wait to see you..."

With that, I ended the call and turned my gaze back to ichika.

The intro ends here.

The next part will come soon.

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