Chapter 17.5: A Favour

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Nanase P.O.V.

It is 7:30 in the evening. I am sitting alone on my bed, with an uneasy feeling in my heart that keeps growing.

“I hope Ayanokouji-senpai is okay?”

Yesterday, around this time, an unfortunate incident happened that also involved Senpai. Even though I know of Senpai’s abilities, I would still like to see him with my own eyes to confirm it.

Lately, I have been thinking only about Ayanokouji-senpai. I want to support him and I want him to lean on me when he needs help. Maybe I’m hoping for much more than I should, but I don’t feel bad thinking about it.

“It’s decided!” I said as I got up from my bed, “I’m going to see senpai,”

I grabbed my phone from the table and headed for the front door. As for my outfit, I’m still wearing the Academy uniform, so it should be fine.

After locking the door properly, I made my way to the lift.

As I got in and pushed the button to Senpai’s floor –

“Oh, Nanase, you’re here too,” I heard.

I stopped the lift and waited for the person who was standing to come in.

Standing next to me is the person I have to be extremely careful with.

“Yes. Ichika, are you going to see Senpai too?” I asked.

She is a student of the White Room, just like Senpai, and her true motives are still unknown. She says she cares about Senpai, but I just can’t bring myself to trust her words yet, which is why I’ve been spending more time with her lately, so that I can understand her better.

“Well, I wanted to have a lot of fun with senpai today~” She replied mischievously.

My body felt hot just hearing that, but I quickly calmed down and replied.

“Couldn’t you say it in a way that others would not misunderstand your words?”

Ichika’s mischievous grin widened and she came closer, “Oh, Nanase, don’t be so uptight. We’re all friends here, aren’t we?” She said. “So it’s okay to mess with each other.”

I am unsure about visiting Senpai now.
If we go together, it will only cause senpai more trouble…

Sensing my hesitation, Ichika said. “You seem awfully worried about Senpai, Nanase. Is there something you’re not telling me?”

I hesitated for a moment, choosing my words carefully. “I just want to make sure he’s OK after what happened yesterday. We’re friends after all.” I tried to keep my true feelings from showing, but Ichika seemed to see through me.

“Friends, huh?” Ichika chuckled. “You’re really something, Nanase. But hey, let’s make this visit more interesting. We can join forces, you know? Two heads are better than one when It comes to meeting Senpai,”

I tilted my head, unsure of Ichika’s intentions. “Join forces?”

Ichika nodded, “Think about it. We both care about Senpai, right? Why not join forces and come up with something special for him? It could be a surprise visit he won’t forget.”

I thought about it and asked. “But what about your intentions, Ichika? Your way of having ‘fun’ with Senpai might not be what I have in mind.”

Ichika laughed, her laughter echoing through the lift. “Oh, Nanase, you’re adorable. I promise my fun is harmless. I just want to see the expressionless Senpai show some emotion.”

After thinking for a while I gave my opinion, “Fine. Let’s go together,”


When we arrived at Ayanokouji-senpai’s room, I let out a disappointed sigh.

Obviously, senpai was not in his room at the moment.

“Hmph, where could senpai have gone at this time?” Ichika huffed.

“It’s our fault for not informing senpai beforehand,” even though I said that, I am sad for not meeting him.

Ichika came back to her usual self and said, “Don’t worry, I will just call a senpai now”.

“Huh?! N-no, we should not disturb him for our sake,”

“Nanase, if you hold back like this, someone will definitely steal Senpai from us,” Ichika continued with a playful tone, “Or do you want Senpai to be stolen from you~”

Hearing that, my heart squeezed in pain, “No! I don’t want that!”

Ichika chuckled, enjoying my reaction. “Then let’s call him and see where he is. We can’t afford to lose our precious senpai, can we?”

Reluctantly, I nodded and Ichika dialled Ayanokouji-senpai’s number.

Ichika held the phone in the centre of us and waited for Ayanokouji-senpai to answer.

“Hello, Senpai? It’s Ichika and Nanase,” Ichika spoke into the phone, her tone cheerful. “Where are you? We are just outside your door.”

There was a short pause and I couldn’t help but hold my breath. Ayanokouji-senpai’s voice finally came through the speaker, calm and collected as always.

“Ah, sorry, I am with Arisu right now. It may take me a while to get back,” seeing that none of us broke the silence, Senpai continued, “Is there something you two want from me?”

I quickly snapped out of my daze and said, “Senpai, we came to see if you were OK after yesterday’s incident.”

Senpai then explained what had happened yesterday and how he had found out that Yagami was a student in the white room and how a masked man had come after him and that he had not been hurt other than minor injuries.

A huge relief washed over me.

“I should have told you earlier, but I was busy with other things,” Senpai apologised.

Ichika didn’t seem satisfied and asked, “Senpai~ you’re not in Sakayangi-senpai room, are you?”

Hearing that, my body tensed as I waited for his answer.

“Yes. I am in her room.” Senpai said.

Why is he in her room? The question came to my mind.

“We are just playing chess, so it will take some time for me to come back, if you two still want to meet we can do it tomorrow,”

I see, but I am still feeling uneasy. What is this feeling that I never experienced till now?

“Okay senpai~. I understand.” Ichika replied. “We will meet tomorrow then,”

“We hang up now senpai…” I was about to push it.

“Wait, there is a favour I want from both of you,” Senpai said, stopping me.

“Favour?” We both asked.

“Yes, you see…”  Senpai then explained what we had to do. “If you do it and succeed. I will do whatever you two say for one day,”

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that. Anything I say? I can keep Senpai all to myself…

“Senpai, should you really make such bold decisions when Sakayangi-senpai is listening to you?” I asked for confirmation.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine with it.” He said, reassuring me.

“Senpai, you better not go back on your word~” Ichika said mischievously.

“Yes. As long as I can, I will keep my word,” he said calmly.

After that we hung up the phone and I went back to the girls’ floor with Ichika to her room to decide on a strategy for Senpai’s task.

Chapter 17.5 ends here

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